1) The Letter

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A/N: For those who don't know, when writing a manuscript, an asterisk (*) means a time jump, so that is what I'll be using in my story to signify just that.

Year One

I sit on one of the rusty-red colored steps of the Lovegood's brightly colored, mismatched home. Luna sits across from me at the small table, a serene smile on her face and The Quibbler in her hands.

Luna was a unique one, an individual in a world full of witches and wizards who already stood out from the crowd. Her blonde hair was often down and she was always adorned with something that looks just a little bit out of place, like her pink-rimmed nargle glasses. I still haven't figured out what those are. No matter how many times I've asked her to explain it, I just can't figure it out. But that's nothing to worry about now. I'm sure I'll learn about them soon, now that the letter has finally arrived.

I squeal in excitement, again, as I look at the letter in my hands, my letter of acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I'd been waiting for this day for so long. Luna slightly lowers the magazine and peeks over it at me.

"I'm glad you're so happy." She murmurs softly, so as not to wake her father. Though she rarely speaks loudly to begin with.

"I wish you were coming too." I say, much too loudly, causing her to put the magazine down and shush me. Luna was a year younger than me, which I'd never thought of as a problem before. Now I was frustrated by the fact.

"I'll be there next year, of course." She stands and stretches, glancing at the clock on the wall. "I suppose we must wake him after all."

I glance upwards towards my god-father's bedroom, a soft smile on my face. I was abundantly thankful for him and Luna, otherwise I'd be alone in the world.

I was born to a pure-blood mother and a muggle father, both of whom were killed by Voldemort – yes, I say his name. I won't cower in fear at the name of the man who I swore to get revenge on if he were to ever return. Xenophilius – Xeno to me – has tried various times to put this thought out of my head. He says I don't understand the power of "he-who-must-not-be-named". I usually just roll my eyes in response.

My mother had been very close friends with Luna's, so Luna's parents were made my god-parents. When they passed away – no, were killed – I moved to live with the Lovegoods. I mourned just as much as Luna when her mother's spell went wrong.

"I know, but I'll have to wait a whole year for you to get there! And you know I am as socially awkward as they come. I'll be all alone!" A frown briefly finds it's way to my face at the thought.

"I'm sure you'll make friends. And you can introduce me when I get there." She smiles calmly and reassuringly at me. I just sigh.

"Come, we must get father up. You need to get your supplies." She heads upstairs without waiting for a response.

Rather than follow her, I walk out the front door and sit on the steps outside to wait for them. My mind wonders, changing topics far too quickly for me to truly follow my own line of thinking. From my parents, to school, to shopping, and on and on until I start to get a slight headache. After a few moments, they come outside. Xeno smiles at me and before I know it, we're in Diagon Alley.


"Ah, a new young witch. I am Ollivander. Let me look at you, let me look at you." A man crawls down from the ladder he's on and walks over. He looks like he just got shocked with a tempest jinx, his gray hair wildly unkempt. He gently grabs my chin, turning my head from one side to the next, and, abruptly letting go of it, walks away in the opposite direction.

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