c h a p t e r 1

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Harley's pov

"Harley. You're a star on the rise. You know I love you, you know that, but please if you want this to work just do it. Not for long no strings or feelings attached just hang out with him for a few months and you're both gonna start working on a song together. Please, for me." I heard her words but I still couldn't believe what I was hearing. I just got out of the nastiest breakup and no one cared. No, no, just 'Oh this is perfect write a song about it that'll sell like nothing else.' And now I'm hearing 'date that one boy from that band 'sour' yeah yeah that's a good rebound for Ocean they'll eat that up' Please. Someone help me understand when my 'talent' made the rest of me irrelevant. "Sour? Jenifer what..." My manager usually did all the best things for me but I'm afraid she's lost her mind. "They're an indie band..." Right. "Jenifer... What even is his name?" If I'm gonna 'date' this person I'm doing research. She shows me her phone. "Alex Stone." My heart felt like it had stopped for a second. "Alexander... Stop there's no way and even in the little to no chance it's him what am I supposed to do with that information? It's been over 4 years. " I thought. "You have jokes, Jen, I'll give you that but seriously what's his name?" I said because there's no way the universe hates me that much.  She looks at me with excitement. "Alex Stone, his first name is Alexander." she's serious. "I'm not doing this. Thanks for the offer and if that means you don't wanna represent me anymore that's cool I was thinking about quitting anyway I have some money somewhere to terminate my contract. It's been fun... not really but you get it." I can't risk seeing him again and even if it's not my Alex I can't be that close to someone with his exact name that's almost just as stressful. I start standing up and putting my stuff in my bag. Jenifer grabs my wrist as I start to walk out "Harley you can't be serious please I need this. You're one of my only successful clients... Only 6 months. All I ask." I don't want to do this but I honestly love Jenifer I couldn't do that to her. No matter what she does I know it's business and she only wants to see me do well because she knows how much I love music, but the possibility of this man being 𝒎𝒚 𝑨𝒍𝒆𝒙𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓? The one person that I let get close to me? The one that left me when I needed him most? Hell no...but Jen... "Fine. 6 months. that's it" After I finally agreed she informed me we had a meeting with Alexander and his manager the next day at 3. She left and I got in the shower and set out my clothes for the 'meeting' in my own house. I couldn't believe I did this all for Jen. After this, I quit. 

Alexander's Pov

"What's her name again...?" My manager shows up unannounced with a cigarette in his mouth at my apartment and then wakes me up to tell me I have to be this girl's fake boyfriend. I don't have a problem with it because he says she's a well-known singer and this would be good for Sour's publicity the only thing is he didn't tell me her name. 

"Harley Ocean Morose. Her stage name is Ocean, you probably know her." The sound of that name woke me up. The name that came with things I only have myself to blame for. The name that made me nauseous with guilt and fear. "You don't look too good Stone... Anyway, we have an introduction with her and her manager at 3. This is not something you can show up to whenever you want. Be early or at the very least on time." I couldn't bring myself to speak for once in my life. The only thing I could manage to say was; "Get out. I'll be there just get the hell out." As always the response I was met with was "How dare you speak to your father that way-" "Stop using that as an excuse. Get out." For once that man left peacefully but I couldn't fully enjoy it because my mind was wrapped around... her. 

What do I say? What do I do? What was her reaction? Does she hate me? "𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆... 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒆... 𝑰 𝒅𝒊𝒅𝒏'𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒐, 𝑰 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒅𝒊𝒐𝒕..." I pull my covers over my head. It's been 4 years and all I've ever wanted was her forgiveness. Her acceptance. Her. Everything I've done since then I've done for her. It's all for her. As much as I hate to come to terms with it I know she hates me, but... it's finally my chance to be closer to her. That's all I need, to be near her. 

"3:00 he says" I sigh and check the time. 1:48. I'm fucked. I jolt out of bed and essentially teleport to the shower after that I brushed my teeth and sped over to my closet. 2:13. I put on my clothes and finally leave. 2:33. Perfect.


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sourstone I have a secret lol

Harley's POV


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therealocean i have a surprise, you guys are gonna like it.

oceanswap123 wait a minute you guys look at Stone from Sour's new post... Is my ship sailing?myyeisdifferenttoyourye  AM I GONNA GET MY DREAM SONG COLLAB?                Yamommashouse you>>>>

I walk down the stairs of my penthouse to see... "Shae?" he calls me the nickname that was never forgotten and all the pain I once felt slowly melts away. Everything I planned to say, the rage I thought I was gonna be filled with nothing mattered anymore. I missed him. "Alex." He's here. My Alex is in my house. I haven't seen him in 4 years but Alexander Stone is standing in my living room. But where is his manager? "Shae...? why is he... do you two perhaps know each other?" Jen asks. "Yeah, he's my um my best friend." I lied without lying. "Darling. You don't have friends." She responds. "You don't know me, Jenifer." I smile and walk up to Alex and snake my arms around his torso. "Is this true Mr. Stone?" She asks. "Yes, we met in middle school." He hugs me back. "See Jen? with that being said you can leave." I say in hopes she'll disappear. "Okay fine." And with that, she leaves. I pull away from Alexander and sit on my couch. "Sit. We have a lot to discuss."

A/N: Hiii everyone idk if I should finish this or not lol

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