0.12 | Error in the Timeline

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Capítulo XII- Error en la línea de tiempo

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Capítulo XII- Error en la línea de tiempo

     Vydia spewed the gray and brown wisps of hair collecting in her mouth as the wind around her picked up. She gathered the mess of hair and wrapped it in a temporary bun. Thomas laughed beside her struggling to maintain her hair. She laughed, mocking his laughter. "Very funny. Maybe I can keep your hair long so you can see how much of a struggle it is."

     "Sorry," he apologized with a smile. His right dimple mirrored Five's yet his smile mirrored Vydia's. Thomas's black hair flared in the wind in a spiral.

     "Could you two be quiet?" Five plead, narrowing his eyes at his fists.

     Vydia and Thomas listened to Five. They needed him to concentrate on the time and place they needed to be in. She had told Thomas about the disaster of how she met Five 45 years ago. It brought anxiety to Thomas on their reckless decision to time travel to 2019 using Five's ability. Not to mention, they had completely ignored the commission's orders on completing their missions. Five and Vydia had been on a mission to assassinate the president, meanwhile, Thomas had to steal a briefcase to meet his parents in 1963.

     A blue portal opened in front of them, emerging from Five's fists. The blue hues nearly blinded Vydia's and Thomas's eyes. Five figures formed on the other side, one approached the portal and tossed something toward it. It was directed toward Vydia, she dropped to the floor, scoffing, "What the hell?" 

     Thomas lent his hand to her. She took it and shot up. Five glanced at her, knowing she was okay, he shouted, "Grab on!" The strong wind muffled his voice. His eyes fluttered, blinking away the tears burning his eyes.

     Thomas held onto Vydia's hand, she already gripped Five's forearm. In sync, they stepped forward. A pressure crushed their bodies back. Millions of pricks dotted their body, the feeling was only familiar to Five and Vydia. They pushed through it for only a couple of more seconds. They've gone through worse pain.

     The floor below her disappeared along with Five and Thomas's touch. The wind was knocked out of her stomach, plummeting to the ground. She groaned and sight in relief, demerging away from the stinging sensation. Her hands pressed against the leaves, curling up to find Five and Thomas. She was first greeted by the five figures she saw earlier advance to them. Their eyes glanced between Five, Thomas, and her.

     A man with curly hair, who hid behind the group of four, spoke up. It was Klaus, she knew from the descriptions she's read in Vanya's book and Five's stories. "Does anyone else see little Number Five, or is that just me?"

     "Little?" Vydia followed the curly-haired man's line of sight. A gray suit sagged over a thin-bodied Five. His long hair draped down his face, hollowing his eyes out more than they already were. He was back in his 16-year-old body or Vydia guessed his 16-year-old body.

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