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Lucius Malfoy led the older witch up to the tapestry room that was devoid of any other decoration, save rich parquet floors, and the tapestries of every pureblood wizarding family. Narcissa Malfoy was there, and she greeted Minerva politely.

"I trust you wish to see the family trees," Narcissa said. "Go ahead, and take a look."

Minerva saw many famous witches and wizards from many centuries back married into several of these bloodlines. Minerva turned to the Prince family tree, and looked at it closely. She gasped as she saw the golden thread connecting Severus Snape's portrait with Hermione Granger's.

"When did this happen?" She asked the Malfoys.

Narcissa touched the thread with her perfectly manicured nail. "Lucius pointed this out a month ago. But as you can see, there have been no children as of yet. One thing is clear is that they are very much alive."

"Do you know where?" Minerva hazarded to ask.

Lucius shook his head. "No, we don't know. I'm just comforted that my cousin is alive, and even if I don't exactly approve of Severus's choice, I cannot but think that wherever he is, he is happy. I want him back, but maybe he would be happier if he were left alone."

"How can you say that, Lucius??" Narcissa almost screeched. "Severus is family! We can't just let him live in the damned wilderness the rest of his life. Please, please help him get back to civilization."

Minerva watched the two purebloods quarrel. She looked over the rich history presented in the finely embroidered trees, detailing which witch or wizard married who, including how many children they had from their unions. She was a halfblood witch herself, but even so, her mother's family was recorded in these tapestries going all the way back to the founding of her family.

She looked at the snarling, brutish face of Severus's father, the solemn, dour witch that was Eileen Prince, his mother. Clearly, Severus had inherited his black hair and eyes from his mother. She vaguely remembered Miss Prince as an introverted, withdrawn witch who rarely spoke, but her keen mind spoke volumes about her intelligence.

Then there was Hermione Granger. What a strange pairing this was, between such a snarky, jaded wizard as Severus Snape, and Miss Granger's bright eyed idealistic nature. But love was not a logical thing, as she knew fully well in her own life. Hermione looked pleased in her portrait, and happy. Yes, that was the most important thing, wasn't it?

"I am in agreement with your wife, Mr Malfoy," Minerva said, when asked whose side she favored in their argument. "As much as I find Severus a pain to work with at times, we should get both Miss Granger and him back to the wizarding world. So, will you agree to help me bring them back?"

Lucius Malfoy paced about the room, not saying anything for a while before sighing deeply. "Yes, Professor. Yes, we must, of course, extricate them. But if they choose to remain where they are, I am prepared to let them live their lives in peace. Are you?"

She knew that this was the best that she could ever hope for, so she agreed, "Yes, I will, of course, respect their wishes. When shall we start?"

"Tomorrow. But first, dinner, and a good night's rest," Lucius decided. "I will, of course, arrange to have a guest bedroom made up for you. Unless, you wish to continue to lodge at Hogwarts, that is?"

"I have a lot of cats that I would need the castle house elves to take care of while I am away," Minerva thought aloud. "But yes, I am due for some vacation time any way."

Lucius smiled. "Excellent. Well, that settles it then. We will conduct our search as soon as you are ready, Professor."

She shook hands with the Malfoys, and went back to Hogwarts feeling like she had finally accomplished something in terms of getting Severus and Hermione back. She placed Filius Flitwick in charge, and made certain that her cats were well taken care of. After completing these errands via owl post, she dressed for dinner.

The mood around the dinner table was solemn and subdued, to say the least, even though Draco tried to liven the mood somewhat a few times. However, a few stern looks from his parents nipped those plans in the bud quickly enough. Minerva did not mind the quiet too much. The dinner was delicious, and lavish, despite this mood, and everyone went up to their separate beds quietly.

Minerva retired to her beautiful guest bedroom, which was set up like a hotel suite, and after getting ready for bed, she slept, feeling very accomplished. She wouldn't go back on her promise to bring Severus and Hermione back, and that was exactly what she was going to do, come what may...

The Love Lagoon: Snamione EditionWhere stories live. Discover now