Chapter Nineteen

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He'd never ran so much before. And while injured. His leg was screaming in pain now. He just tried to push down the thoughts. But at this point, he was limping.

He made it to the DJ booth. It didn't look like anyone was inside. He didn't hear anyone. But Kaitlyn said they were here. He struggled with the steps but made it to the door. He opened it and sure enough, Dylan and Ryan were inside.

"(Y/N)...?" Ryan asked, confused. (Y/N) walked in, shutting the door behind him.

Dylan turned to him with a smile. "(Y/N)! I'd wondered where you wondered off to."

(Y/N) could see that Dylan was modifying his equipment. How far out did that signal go...? If it went further than his dad's station, other police would hear it. "Dylan..." He winced in pain as he took another step.

Dylan stopped what he was doing and walked up to (Y/N), unsure what to do. Dylan noticed how red his face was. Had he been crying? And his leg... What was going on?

"You don't look very good," Ryan said. "Here, sit down." Ryan swiveled the chair around so (Y/N) could sit. Dylan guided him to the chair and he sat down, exhausted.

Dylan and Ryan looked at each other. (Y/N) didn't look like he was attacked... Well, not tonight, anyways. (Y/N) knew he had to explain a little bit. Tell them why they couldn't call the cops. "Um... I'm sure by now, you've noticed that things... aren't right."

"Well that's obvious," Dylan stated jokingly, but (Y/N) was clearly not in the mood to laugh around.

"Yeah... What's going on?" Ryan asked, ignoring Dylan.

(Y/N) sighed. "The thing... That attacked me... It wasn't a bear."

Dylan and Ryan both looked surprised. What other creature was out here, then? "What was it?" Ryan questioned.

"Rabid squirrel?" Dylan asked, and Ryan shot him a look.

"Its... hard to explain. You just... Have to see it for yourself." It was true. Even if he told them it was a werewolf, would they even believe him?

"I'm not really sure I want to..." Dylan mumbled.

"(Y/N), what are you taking about?" Ryan was very confused.

"There's three of them out right now. Thats all that you need to know. We need to get back to the lodge," (Y/N) told them. He stood up, biting his lip to stifle the pain. He walked to the door and opened it. He saw a creature...  He thought for a second that it was one of his cousins, but the fur... It was white. "Oh shit..." He closed the door quickly, but silently. He put a finger up to his mouth. "Shh..." If Silas knew they were in there, they would be dead.

Ryan and Dylan both looked confused. (Y/N) pointed to the window and they looked outside. They saw it. The white fur. The soulless eyes. The blood stained teeth. The razor sharp claws...

"Okay, um, what the fuck is that thing?" Dylan asked, looking at (Y/N). Did he know? Why didn't he tell anyone? And what the fuck was that creature!?

"Get away from the windows," He said, worried Silas might see them. The two listened, moving to stand next to (Y/N).

Ryan had a gun. An idea popped into his head. "I can kill it." He was a little scared, but he knew he had to kill that thing.

"No... You can't," (Y/N) whispered, sighing. "Only silver bullets will kill him."

"Him?" Ryan questioned.

Dylan scrunched up his nose. "Ew, how close did you get to him?"

(Y/N) laughed softly. "Silas... The white wolf..."

"What the fuck are you talking about...?" Ryan had never heard of this before. He'd been here for years. How did he not know? What else did they keep from him?

(Y/N) shook his head. "It... doesn't matter." He walked to the window, peering through. Silas was on the roof. Watching. It didn't see anything. After a moment it ran off, searching for prey. (Y/N) let out a sigh of relief. "It's gone."

"Can we leave...?" Ryan asked. Ryan and Dylan had completely forgotten about the cops. That was great. His family could cover this whole thing up, as long as no one else got involved.

(Y/N) waited a second, eyes scanning the area outside incase Silas came back. He saw something else... It was people. Kaitlyn, Nick, Abi... Why were they here? "What..?" He nodded to Ryan and he opened the door.

Dylan waited for (Y/N) and held out his arm for him to walk down the steps. (Y/N) grabbed onto him, wincing at each step. Dylan knew (Y/N) had some painkillers. Once he could get him sat down, he could help change his bandages and take care of him.

"Thank you," (Y/N) said once they were down the stairs.

Dylan smiled at him. "You owe me." He moved his hand to hold (Y/N)'s.

(Y/N) rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah..." The two went to go catch up to Ryan, who was already talking with the rest of the friends.

"(Y/N)!" Kaitlyn smiles when she sees him. "Wow, you got here fast!" She had seen him limping and thought he would take longer to get here.

"Why are you guys here...?" (Y/N) asked, confused. Did something happen at the lodge? Why did they have to leave?

"There was some guy there," Abi spoke up. "Big, burly. He had a gun."

Kaitlyn nodded. "Yeah. And he took my gun."

"Aww man... I knew I should've kept it," Dylan complained. Ryan glared at him but didn't say anything.

"Bobby..." (Y/N) whispered. Fuck... Why was Bobby there? Pa must have said something... Shit... He probably wanted to catch all of his friends and keep them in a cage or something.

"Uh... What?" Kaitlyn asked. "You know his name?"

(Y/N) paused, realizing he had said it out loud. "Y-Yeah... Um... Is he alive?"

"Yup. We snuck past him," Abi said, smiling at Nick. He was the one that led them out of the lodge without alerting Bobby.

(Y/N) looked at Nick. He didn't look good... Was he bit? If he was, it was probably too late to amputate... Fuck...

Kaitlyn could see that (Y/N) was hiding something. His face easily gave it away. "(Y/N)... What do you know?"

"I... I..." He didn't want to tell them. But not telling them would be almost worse... Maybe they should know. So they know what they're dealing with...

A gunshot rang out. The friends all looked around, trying to see where it came from. "Over here," Ryan said, following the noise.

Dylan looked at (Y/N), confused. What was he hiding...? (Y/N) bit his lip, following Ryan.

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