chapter 2

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Spencer walked to where Kelly stood in the kitchen.

"Hey," Spencer said.

"Hi?" Kelly turned. "Do I know you?"

Spencer leaned against the kitchen island and introduced himself. "Spencer Harris. I'm Irina's friend."

"Oh. Nice. You've got hot friends." Kelly joked.

"You mean Irina, right? And Kara, the one with the brown eyes and the brown hair?"

"Oh, yeah. Yeah." She nodded.

"You're new, right? To Beckman?" Spencer asked.

"Uh, yeah. I started at the beginning of this year."

"Why'd you transfer?"

"Well, um, I moved here from Sacramento because my parents got better jobs, and, yeah."

"Is San Alfredo really different from Sacramento?"

"Well, San Alfredo's smaller, but I guess it's like any other city. It's just weird to start here in the middle of high school 'cause everyone has friends already and they know all the schedules and places to go. And I don't. I dunno, I'll manage."

Spencer leaned closer in. "What kind of jobs do your parents have?"

"Has anyone ever told you that you're kinda... nosy?" Kelly said as she took a step back.

"Hey, no I'm not. I'm just curious." Spencer got defensive. "So, can I get your number?" Spencer paused and waited for a response. "You know, just so we can stay in contact over the school year." He quickly added in.

"Okay. Give me your phone." Kelly grabbed Spencer's phone from his hand and put her number in.

"Oh, thanks! See you later," Spencer said. Spencer walked away and went back to where Irina and Kara were talking near the living room couch.

"I got her number," Spencer said.

Irina's face lit up. "Yeah, I got her number too!"

"And I got her to go out with me." Spencer boasted.

Irina looked confused. "No, we're going out," Irina said.

"You're lying." Kara looked at Spencer and raised an eyebrow at him with a smirk. Spencer looked her in the eyes. He knew that she knew. She raised her other eyebrow. She knew that he knew that she knew. Irina looked at the both of them, dumbfounded. She didn't know that she knew that he knew that she knew.

"No, I'm not," Spencer said.

Irina locked eyes with Kara and they exchanged looks. She turned to Spencer. "You're a liar," she accused.

Spencer stood up straighter, staring into Irina's eyes. "Actually, you're a liar." Spencer retorted. He didn't look too confident anymore.

"Why would you lie about that? That's, like, messed up!" Irina raised her voice.

"I'm not lying, Kara's lying. She-" Spencer half-yelled.

"Guys!" Kara yelled, interrupting them.

"What?" Spencer snapped, annoyed.

"Stop it. Both of you." Kara rolled her eyes. "This is ridiculous."

"But you're the one who started it." Spencer pointed out.

"Okay, you know what? I'm going to go talk to Kelly," Irina huffed. She turned around and left.

Spencer whipped his head to look at Kara.

"What the hell, man?!" Spencer scowled, angry. His face was bright red.

Kara laughed.

"That wasn't cool. I thought we had an agreement to not make each other look stupid." Spencer looked a bit hurt.

"Well, you shouldn't have lied." Kara looked him dead in the eyes. "Why'd you even do that?"

"Okay, fine. I was trying to make Irina jealous. I thought if she saw me about to go out with someone, she might get jealous. You know how much I like her."

"Well, clearly it didn't work. Why would you ask out the girl Irina just asked out? Idiot." Kara rolled her eyes at his stupidity.

"Oh come on, man. I didn't even actually do it. We're friends. Help a bro out. How do I get with her?" Spencer pleaded.

"I don't know man. You just... ask her out." Kara shrugged.

"But she just asked out Kelly."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean she doesn't also want to go out with you." Kara sighed.

"How do I do it?"

"Ehhh, I don't know. I'm not a chick," she replied.

"You're a girl."

"Yeah, so? What difference does that make?" Kara asked.

"Well, you should know." Spencer grabbed Kara's shoulders and shook them.

"I don't." Kara looked slightly offended as she brushed him off.

"Then teach me." He paused with a look of desperation. "Teach me how to get a girl." Kara looked away. "You're the only girl here I can talk to about this and you're telling me to ask her out."

"Fine." Kara gave in.

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