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HELLO im Emmie/Em, my real name is Emily and i am 14 y/o! I made this book 17th of June 2022.

I live in Denmark with my two younger siblings (Samuel and Melanie), and my mom and dad. I work every Wednesday (sometimes Thursday) with handing out paper ads to my neighbourhood. I go to a special needs school in 7th grade, and i have seven (Noah, Magnus, Pil, Anas, Freja, And Mathias excluding me) classmates, where only five attend school.

I have a couple of friendgroups, my real life friend group contains Thorunn/Tori, Nor and Niklas, my online contains Ghosty and Emin, And my favourite online one contains Em, Melo, Dreams and Toat. You might also find me talking about other friends, but you will mainly meet them in here.

I am diagnosed with Autism at the moment, and my siblings aswell. However my brother also has ADHD.

This book will be filled with random thoughts and vents that i dont know how to tell others. This can be about situations im in or just whatever really. I hope youll enjoy it :D

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