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soooo theres this guyy his names Antonn and djjdbsnsndjsns hes just so sweet and kind and i cant explain it even he is just so perfect to me!

He always wants to talk to me and invites me to hang out with him! He also sends me hearts and he keeps giving me all of these sweet messages and i cant stop smiling when i see the notification. Ik him in real life too and hdjdjhdhd he goes in the 8th grade right now and before seeing him irl we texted everyday. The fact i found him attractive before i knew it was him is... I cant help myself at this point anymore, he is just perfect. He is wonderful, truly. I hope soon we'll talk again. He doesnt go to school friday or monday and im not coming tuesday so its going to take a long time. I just wanna hang out with him soon irl pls god pls

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