Chapter Four

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The kingdom of Nusha was cold and snowy unlike the kingdom of Matcha which was bright and sunny, though it was probably only because their magic kept it that way as they never once had clouds or rain. The kingdom of Blackstade was medium cold with rain every other day. The village homes in Nusha were built into the ground, much like Morris's den. They were comfy cozy and meant for hibernation. People here were accustomed to the cold and so they did not have to wear many layers unlike visitors who would catch a cold the moment they stepped foot inside the green gates. The palace was made of stone and placed high on a circle of stone lifted above the ground on great pillars, steep jade steps led to the white double doors of the palace.

Morris breathed in the sharp air and coughed, she usually was fine, but she did not have her mask with her to protect her lungs from the cold. Her mother draped a cape over her shoulders and Morris quickly tied it as she drew up the hood. Their booted feet crunched in the snow as they approached the gate on foot since their wagon had been abandoned at the village as it was not deemed structurally sound to bring inside the kingdom. The Rossa's approach the gate,

"Who are you?" A guard dressed in brown armor asks

"We're the Rossa's, sir."

"Do you have an appointment?"

"No, we have an invitation." From the folds of his shirt, Danker produces the envelope and hands it to the guard. The guard takes it with his leather gloved hand, he sniffs as he reads it.

"You're free to go in." He says as he folds the envelope and hands it back to Danker. Morris took her brother's hands and together they walked in a huddle to the beginning of the steps. People milling about, talking and playing games watch them without stopping what they are doing as was custom in the village, you never stop what you're doing unless the king and queen command or there is danger. Two guards at the top look at the envelope too, then they open the doors for them, warmth envelopes each one's body. Once inside, servants come and take their capes and gloves. Then a tall lanky old man with piercing grey eyes comes towards them with slippered feet. He wears a dress of white with a sash of black around his waist

"Welcome to Nusha! We are pleased to have you." He says, sweeping his arms out wide.

"H-hello." Tryna says timidly as she lifts a hand

"My name is Thurston, and you must be Danker, Tryna, Morris, Nej and Kleine."

"That's right." Danker says.

"Please follow me to the warming room." They follow Thurston to a small room with five fireplaces built into the wall. Benches are placed in a line of six with three benches in each row. They sat down as maids came with cups of a dark steaming liquid with bits of peppermint.

"I will be back shortly to check on you." He says bowing as the family guzzles their drinks and stuffs their faces full of a sweet treat known to Blackstade as Sticky Toffee buns.

"Are they trying to fatten us?"

"Yeah for the fire?" The boys ask

"No dummies, it's not like the wicked witch story." Morris says as she sets her tin mug down and stands by the fire. As always, she wishes that Nyle could be with her, there were men and women her age at the village, but the girls were concerned with vanity and the men only liked to show off and woo the females, it was quite disgusting in Morris's opinion. Nyle was soft spoken, always making things for her and her family, he listened when she spoke and offered his thoughts to her predicaments. He watched over her like an angel in disguise. Plus he was the only one she could tell secrets too and he would actually keep them to himself like a normal friend should. Her parents began to talk in shushed tones, so moving to the fire nearest to them, Morris took a listen

"You know the black moon is coming soon."

"I know Tryna."

"Then you know that Morris is of age." Morris twitched slightly, she had not been aware she was.

"I know. She will try to run away though."

"Then we will keep her in the house, lock her up if we have to."

"That's horrible, Tryna."

"But we don't want her to miss her chance at having a good beau."


"But hopefully it could be that Nyle boy she's always with." Hope pricked at Morris's heart.

"It could be. But how could we make it so. I do like that boy."

"Maybe that is what the king and queen want to talk about. After all, they make all the names on the plaques and then send them over to Matcha."

"Could be." They stopped talking and Danker cleared his throat. Morris turned and saw them looking at her. She had been still for too long. She smiled at them and went over to the canister filled with the dark liquid, she poured some in and sipped it while facing away from her parents as she let her cheeks cool down from embarrassment of getting caught.

"The king and queen are ready for you now." Thurstan says as he comes back in. They put their cups and treats down and follow him down the hallway made from diamonds that glitter like a thousand stars. Opening a door, they go up several steps that seem like it takes a thousand years to get to the highest point of the castle

"Thurston? Why is the throne room so high?" Morris asks

"Well, it's so that intruders will have a harder time getting to them, their bed chambers are up here as well."

"Oh. That's very smart."

"Yes, the majesties are smart indeed." They came to a set of double doors carved from lace agate, a gorgeous color of grey and blue. He rapped sharply against it and then entered the wide room. There up ahead on their thrones made of a gemstone called tigers eye, the king and queen sat, swathed in colors of brown, green and white. The queen had white ivory hair that flowed curly to her breast's, the king had brown hair thin and straight. The Rossa family bowed before them

"The Rossa family, your majesties." A new voice said.

"Oh welcome! We have never been more eager to officially meet." They all rose and stood in a line

"It's lovely to make your acquaintance Queen Jadis." Tryna said.

"You as well, after all you should be proud of your daughter."

"Why is that?"

"Well don't you know?"

"Know what?"

"Well girl, why keep such a secret from your parents?"

"I-I don't know." MOrris said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"What is this secret, your Majesty?"

"That your daughter, without a doubt is in fact, The PeaceKeeper." Morris froze in her spot.

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