Chapter Twenty-One

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Morris landed hard on her back for the twentieth time. She gasped for air as the thing kicked her hard in the ribs. With urgency to get it away from it she withdrew her sword and stabbed it's leg. It roared and picked her up in it's clawed hand. Her swords dropped as her feet dangled in the air. He brought her to his eyes and roared into her face. Then It laughed as she reopened her eyes

"See I win." He threw her down to the ground. She coughed and blood spewed out, she rolled to her stomach and lifted herself to her forearms and wrists. She looked dizzly at the crowd, Alexander's blurry face entered her vision, his face was pale and she saw his hands clenched into fists. Her eyes then moved to the queen who looked smugly at her with her grin. She couldn't bear to kill the thing even though it was trying to kill her. She wanted to get into his head and restore him to his former glory, one of nobility and gentleness.

"PeaceKeeper! PeaceKeeper! PeaceKeeper!" The crowd began to chant loudly. She put her head down, she was in so much pain she couldn't rise. There was blood coming from her nose and she felt the sting of several cuts on her face, all she wanted to do was go home, her real home. All the sudden the Zuki bellowed out, looking up, she saw a sword wriggling from its chest, then another and another each hitting him a little bit further down from the last, a figure high in the stands came into view. They tossed an anchor which landed into the dirt, then they flew down on a rope and landed a few paces from her. They, was a he, dressed in black leather with a blue mask across his face, winking at her, he launched a string with rocks on the end, it wrapped around the Zuki's ankles and it fell to its knees. The man bound the Zuki's wrists too, it bellowed and wriggled, but the string that held him was too strong even for a beast like him.

"Boo! Boo! Boo!" The crowded said

"Come on PeaceKeeper! Are you even human!?" Someone shouted. Morris stood weakly, the man winked at her

"Your shot meine Liebe." She gasped, and with strength restored, she slit the Zuki's throat, then she fell to the ground weak. The man rushed to her but was thrown out of the way by a black hand, the hand scooped her up and she flew through the air into Alexanders arms

"We must get her to a healer."

"Yes sir." Yenda said as she tried to raise her head

"Wait! I-I have to.."

"No. Not right now. You're going to bleed out if we don't get you patched up." She allowed the Heretic and Yenda to take her away from the place. Alexander handed Yenda Morris as he climbed upon his horse then he took her back and she clutched his kefta with her hand as her head lolled back into darkness.

Nyle and her walked across the roaring river on a fallen log. Morris looked down and became scared. She dropped down and clung to the branch with all her strength. Nyle turned and smiled and held out a hand.

"Come Mein Libe."

"You know only Mamma and Pappa are allowed to say that." She said.

"Oh who cares?" He said as he held out his hand for her. She took it.

"I do! You're not my parents so you can't say you love me."

"Is that what that phrase means?"


"Oh. Well how about I only say it when we're older. But just as a friend."

"And how about only for special occasions?" Morris wrinkled her nose and squinted.

"Sure! And how about when we've saved each other!"

"From what?"

"Danger.." Morris startled awake by pain, she moved upward but was held back down.

"It's alright, you're safe. But I am not done." A blurry face and distorted voice said. She blinked her eyes a few times and a man with graying hair wearing a red and gray Kefta stood above her. She took in a dimly lit room of dirt walls and floors. Furs were stacked on a table with coins next to it. Animal heads hung on the wall with a plaque under each. She saw Yenda sitting at the table smoking a pipe and playing cards with a little boy with brown hair.

"Where am I?"

"In my hut."

"How did I get here?"

"We brought you here." Yenda said.

"That's right. My name is Okeen, I am a healer."

"A healer? What's that?" She asked quizzically as another stab of heat scorched her. The man chuckled and removed his hands

"I guess the heretic didn't tell you."

"Tell me what?" He glanced at Yenda who shook his head no. Okeen smiled and walked to Yenda. They began to whisper urgently.

"It's your funeral." Yenda finally said

"I'll take my chances." He said as he sat down.

"He won't kill you will he?"

"No. But Alexander can not know what we told you. He hates it when it's told."


"Because, he will kill those who tell it." Morris arched an eyebrow as she sat up.

"What exactly did he do?"

"To tell that, we have to go back to the beginning."

"How far back?"

"To the very beginning." Okeen said, leaning forward. 

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