You're Mine

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Glancing in the mirror, I smiled, feeling happier about my appearance now that I had showered, brushed my teeth, and put on another outfit

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Glancing in the mirror, I smiled, feeling happier about my appearance now that I had showered, brushed my teeth, and put on another outfit.

My little talk with Cici had done me good because she was right. Why was I worrying about this? Not every person I meet is going to be a psycho killer.

The odds of the same thing happening are slim, especially since Billy and Stu are gone now.

I bit my lip as my worry continued to climb. No matter how much I trusted Mickey, my old anxieties would never truly leave me.

Sitting on the edge of my bed, I sigh before picking up the phone and dialing a number I'd forced myself to memorize. After a few rings, a cheerful voice answered, "Hi Sue!" I greeted with a wide smile.

"Oh Kat, how are you, sweetheart" tears sprung into my eyes just from hearing her voice. Sue had been my safe place for so long that hearing her was enough to make me feel better.

"I'm uh, I'm okay," I say with a short stutter, but I knew Sue would hear straight through my lies.

"Let's try that again with the lying. Hi Kat, how are you doing?" Her sarcasm was much needed, I think between her, Cici, and Mickey, I would be set for life.

Those three are my people.

"I'm having some trouble. Boy trouble. Also, Sidney trouble, but that's nothing new to me" hopefully, we wouldn't have to talk about my sister. That's not what I need advice on.

A joking 'ooooh' came through the phone as my face heated up. "Boy trouble, huh? Tell me all about him, and I'll see if he's good enough for my girl".

My stomach tightened at her words. My girl, that's how she thought of me. "Kat? Are you still there?".

Sniffing, I wiped a stray tear. "Yeah, I'm here. His name is Mickey, he's a film student like me" I gushed to her all the details I already knew about Mickey and how we're together all the time.

"Sounds like he's sweet on you for sure. So what's the problem?" Sue asked, sounding confused.

"I just don't want history to repeat itself, Sue, and what if I'm not ready for another boyfriend. What if-" a sigh cut me off from my rambling. I could already feel myself spiraling.

"You can't live your life on what if's, my darling. The way you talk about that boy is enough for me to say I think you're ready, and if I understand the situation, I think he might like you too-" my cheeks go pink just at those words.

"-just go spend some time with him, let it be what it will be. If you want to be with him, then do it, Kiddo, it's that simple. If you don't, then you'll have a good friend out of it".

Sue made it all seem so simple, and it probably was. My past trauma forced me to believe I was always in danger. Blow situations out of proportion is what I do now.

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