|the seventeenth year|

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Two kids ran into a clearing. There were leaves in their hair and mud on their feet. They laughed and giggled as they tackled one another, playfully nipping at each other's skin. One of them rolled away climbing up the nearest tree. They looked back down at the other, "Come on, Livia. We have to get to the top."

"I'm scared," Livia sat at the base of the tree. The other climbed back down in front of her. "Don't worry. I got you. We can go together."


"I promise! And I keep my promises. You and me together until the end!"

Livia placed her hand in his, "Okay, Jason. Let's go."

(The screams were inhuman.)

"One. Two. Three. Four. Ughhh."

A girl landed harshly on arms as her sword was knocked out of her hands.

"Get up, Livia Basilea. How can you be worthy of the sea if you let such obvious tactics bring you down?"

Livia groaned, body aching and bruised as she stood to her. She summoned the practice sword back to her hand. Blood oozed and healed from the wound on her head. Her blue eyes narrowed in determination, "Again."


"My cohort has spoken," Marion said, smiling reassuringly at Livia. "We accept the recruit."

Deidre looked at Livia with consideration. "Congratulations, Livia Jackson. You stand on probatio. You will be given a tablet with your name and cohort. In one year's time, or as soon as you complete an act of valor, you will become a full member of the Twelfth Legion Fulminata. Serve Rome, obey the rules of the legion, and defend the camp with honor. Senatus Populusque Romanus!"

(Power rushed into her, imbued by earth herself.)

Three kids laughed as they sat around a table in front of a big box. They were careful to decorate the areas that they measured off for themselves. The only girl had the middle which she split into three sections. One for each boy at her side and one for herself.

"That looks really pretty you three," a familiar voice sounded. They looked up to see the last member of their quartet.

"Are you sure that you don't want to add anything, Kalina?" the eldest boy asked.

Kalina shook her head, "No. I will live longer than you. What's ten years compared to centuries?"

The other girl laughed lightly, "And you don't look a day over 15. What's the secret?"

"Chlorophyll," Kalina deadpanned.

("What you once were you shall never be again.")

A group of female-presenting Romans sat in a room. Some of them were doing their nails, applying acrylic made from imperial gold. Others were braiding each other's hair, weaving twine coated in poison within the locks.

Livia was carefully detangling Annia's curls and trying to not tense as Reyna combed through her hair. She didn't trust her at all, but Livia would put up with her because she knew that Jason liked seeing his friends get along.

The conversation around them was talking about the most gruesome kills and the worst demigod dreams that they ever had. Livia didn't participate in the second one, but she was a little bummed when she found out little Malysia had a more daring kill than her own. The child of Somnus had given someone a major case of sleep deprivation mixed in with a hallucinatory drug that let him roll around in a field of poison ivy and just raised his paranoia to an all-time high until the man was pulling himself apart with pliers and feeding on poppy flowers.

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