【43】Era Of War

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【43.7 ERA OF WAR

Whenever I inhaled, a stench of rotten and decay went in through my nostrils. Dead bodies were sprawled left and right. Soil had turned red soaking the blood in. Our bodies were given the sent of blood as we were bathed in blood.

Our war lasted for 2 days but at last we won against those witches. I fought in front line leading my platoon. We had marked our victory but that came with a price- with the lives of our comrades.

Woes were peeking through in our eyes as we returned to our home Kingdom. Bandages were tied up on our lacerated flesh. Our casuality rate was low but the pain of losing our comrades was high.

Man standing on stone watch tower began to swing the bell holding the rope hanging on the bell.

The ringing sound of the bell alerted civilians of our arrival. Soon people began to swarm around the front gate. Nana came to me elbowing his way out of the crowd. Her eyes were overflowed with tears.

I dismounted from my horse and limped toward her. I embraced her wrapping my one arm around her.

I kissed her forehead. "I missed you so much, Nana." I smiled but it didn't remain longer on my face.

Nana cuped her hand around my swollen bruised face. She lowered her teary eyes.

Nana told me that some witches were waiting for the chance to sneak into the kingdom. They had the chance, when warriors went off to the war. They brawled in and wreaked a havoc but the warrior who were stayed back fought with all their might and forced those witches to flee away.

I began to scan her face frantically. "You're okay? Did they harm you? How's Ziena, is she alright? I need to see her."

Nana whimpered pressing her warm hands on my cheeks. Tears were rolling down on her cheeks. "Adijha......Ziena.....She....."

My eyes popped out of my socket as I realised that she was going to inform me something ominous. My body reacted on impulsive, I frantically limped two steps away from her. My jaw began to tremble.

I limped toward the bar in a pace. Suddenly my body had all charged up as if I had drunk a healing potion. My heart began to pound fast as I witnessed, injured and wounded people , partly wrecked buildings and heaps of debris left and right on my way to bar.

My lips bagan to chant the words- Please be safe! Please be there! Please be alive!......

As I reached to my destination, I plopped down on my knees locking my alarmed, glistening teary eyes on the bar that had receded to the ground.

I felt a sore in my throat as if my own breathe had stucked in there. An ache stung into my heart as if a knife had impaled through my heart.

"She gave her life saving a little girl." I didn't look back but I knew that Nana was standing behind me.

She got on her toes in front me. My jaw trembled as I looked at her face. I whimpered and tears were streaking down my cheeks.

She locked her arms around my head. Her voice began to quiver. "She was so happy to bring a new life into this world."

I freed my head from her arms. "What?" I sniffled.

Her teary eyes examined my confused expression. "She didn't tell you? She was expecting a baby, Adijha. She was pregnant with your baby."

My whole body began numb for some seconds. My ears began to ring so loudly as if the sound would burst my eardrums.

"Preg.... pregnant?"

Then I remembered she had surprise to give me, in the bar she told me about giving a surprise. My eyes got wide on realisation that she was talking about being pregnant that time.

I began to cry at top of my lungs bawling my eyes out. Nana eyes were also overwhelmed with tears, she again embraced my head. Tears were dripping down from my chin.

When I thought that life had given me everything I ever wanted, it all went to dust in mere seconds. Why me? Why her? I'd never forgive those witches.

I thought grinding my teeth getting enraged - I'll pull those witches out from wherever they are hiding and cut the heads of every one of them.

Year passed since Ziena's death. Time might had passed but with that passing time, the ache in my heart didn't die down. Her giggles and luagh were used to resonate into my ears. Her warm smile used to flash before my eyes.

To simmer down the ache in my heart I also participated in the Eastern Nation's war against the witches. In that war, I again led my platoon in the front lines to victory.

Warrior king of Eastern Nation, King Eustaf got pleased from my battle decisive skills and offered me to train his son as his guru. Our King thought that it'd be good way to make our bond strong with other nation. So, he accepted the proposal and sent me off to Eastern warrior kingdom without my consent. There, I started my life as a guru.

War at different nations had come to end with the defeat of witches. Except one, southern nation, that nation was witch dominated nation and the most powerful one witches used to reside there.

Every four nation, for the first time had joined hands to defeat the witches of southern nation. A large troop of army swarmed charging to the witch kingdom.

The war lasted for 5 days, it really shook the heaven from its rumbling. When we....

I thought that I had massacred every single witch but they were more sly than I thought. At the very last moment, witch queen had teleported the remaining witches to a place unknown, leaving her corpse behind. King had might killed the queen but the victory came with the price of his life.

Spell Castor's King signed a pact with the late Warrior King's Wife in the name of love, friendship, brotherhood and comradeship; as it was said in the pact that two most privileged warrior and the spell caster from their respective kingdoms to be sent to the other kingdom.

I was in the Eastern Warrior Kingdom when I heard that news. Later that, after few days, an another news came flying in my ears that Zior had become the new King of Western warrior kingdom.

Somehow my days were passing in the eastern nation. Then one day, I met him, Hanroh Mortez!

His eyes were strangely cold as if they held no emotions. He didn't talk to me in the initial days. But as the time kept passing, we became friends, good friends.

He told me that his kingdom didn't treat him well. He had lost someone he held close. I didn't feel right to peer more into his past so I didn't ask much about it. He wanted to flee from his home Kingdom.

To help him out, I recommend his name for a guru, sending a letter to King Zior. King Eustaf had accepted that proposal and that's how Hanroh became a guru.

After that I began to sent letters to King Zior and Nana. I felt glad to know that she was living a warm happy life.

But for how long that warm happy life lasted. A thought striked into mind - As long as those witches crawl on this land, happy warm life is an illusion.

I decided to find out the whereabout of remaining witches. Despite of King Zior's refusal, I went to Southern Nation. That time I didn't know that things would turn out upside-down.


Flashback of Adijha's life || Part 3

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