Chapter 6

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I yawned softly as I hopped out from the tree I slept in placing a gentle hand on Pibby's head in order to wake her up a small chuckle left my lips as I went to the river to wash myself up giving Pibby all the time to wake up and get ready.

"Oh yeah I'm Niko by the way, I'm sorry about last night." I mumbled letting myself sit in the water, "I was harsh on you and I didn't mean to upset you."

"No! No! It was my fault," Pibby remarked, "I scared you and that was stupid of me."

We both laughed and soon gotten ready to start our trek towards the Candy Kingdom, but that's when Pibby noticed my scarred body and the fact I was blind, she huffed and gotten up walking towards me.

"Pibby?" I said feeling her next to me, "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, but are you? How did those scars get there?"

"I don't remember, everything was a heavy blur. . . I can vaguely remember how I lost my vision and that's it."

Talking about all this had really hurt so much, I didn't want to scare Pibby with all of this. I didn't want her to think anything bad about it and besides I'm glad they healed and left sick body scars, they reminded me of how strong and how far I've come in this place I call home.

"Alright, are you ready to head out?" I asked looking over at Pibby.

"Ready as I'll ever be." She nodded.

"Let's get a move on then."

And with that we had started to make our way to the Kingdom, I really hoped Finn and Jake would be there.

No matter what happens I will always be there for them, they've been there for me when no else was and I couldn't thank them enough for it.

𝑇𝐸𝑅𝑀𝐼𝑁𝐴𝑇𝐸𝐷 ; finn x oc ( hiatus )Where stories live. Discover now