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Aechmea gestured his hand for the archers to take aim..

Viridiplantae notices this in his peripheral and immediately holds Lapis closer. He accepts his fate so too the allied Lunarians as they fiercely shout and raise their arms

After a few while.. Viridiplantae why no one had fired a shot yet and then he looks up and notices the rest of the allied Lunarians.. the one that had left earlier from the garden was being led by Phosgorm.. 

and they were putting down and delaying the archers that Aechmea had ordered to take aim.

Lapis still had her head down but Viridiplantae hated seeing this thus he takes this chance to lead his crowd.

"The only way now.. is forward towards those that truly matter!" He shouted at the top of his lungs and with fiery passion in his tone. 

Lapis looked up in shocked at Viridiplantae and somehow and for the first time she felt inferior to him.. in her mind;

'It's as if he grew up right this moment.. Viridiplantae' Lapis immediately recomposes herself and 

All of the allied Lunarian crowd all pushed through with Viridiplantae's lead and Aechmea was only a bit shocked when he'd realized that even his backlines have been sabotaged.

As the allied Lunarians were getting closer to the Prince he immediately turns half cloudy and with a swift wide strike from his blade he manages to mow down everyone around him including the ones beside him albeit the damage was great Phosgorm could still motion themselves.

Aechmea's demon form had finally revealed itself - Lapis has never opposed this side of Aechmea but it further fills Lapis with fervor desire for a change on the society of the moon and the moon itself.. even if it costs her life.

however Viridiplantae read Lapis' intentions clearly and went ahead to move in front of her and with the sword he grabbed from one of the allies he is swiftly able to dodge Aechmea attack but still taking a lot of slashes. 

He struck a blow on the Prince half cloudy stomach and in response the Prince yelled;

"TRAITOR!" and almost immediately he faced a barrage of slashes..

..only few was left of Viridiplantae as he trembled and fell to the floor he grabbed onto Aechmea ankle and uttered only one word;

"..things.. need change.." He spoke however Phosgorom had also attacked Aechmea from behind and when Viridiplantae looked up to Aechmea - The Prince looked like as if he was losing thus VIridiplantae smile slightly even if he's sad to fade away because he know he might not see Lapis again..

Even with Phosgorm attacking Aechmea was able to fend it off, the only thing he was expecting was Lapis to attack and he guessed correctly.

true that Lapis did rush to slash the Prince for putting Viridiplantae down but to Aechmea's surprise Lapis' movement was incredibly different than any of those he's seen.

The swift and her use of the blade is innovative that's she's able to parry Aechmea's slashes but Lapis also had to sacrifice to get a single hit on and thus..

she did so.. with confidence..

Aechmea finally landed a slash and her legs were swiped away but her upper half was able return the hit to his chest.

in the same manner..

a shattered Phosgorm further pushed his sycthe on the Prince's body.

Aechmea tried to cloud away but Phosgorm siwftly caught up and finished him..

the moment ended in silence and the only things audible were the many oblivious Lunarians who ran to the scene.

Lapis' upper half finally hit the ground and surprisingly Viridiplantae's half nothing half cloud body was there in front of her very eys..

Lapis crawled to him and in these moments.. 

Lapis reached out her arm.. to feel the warmth on Viridiplantae's cheek.. and it gave Viridiplantae a shock that Lapis was right there.. in front of him and for him..

Lapis uttered only one more sentences after finally falling unconscious..

"A-all this time.. I know.. I know.. what your true name is.. it.. it isn't Viridiplantae.. it's Y/N.. isn't it..?"

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