11 pt. 2 - a moment

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(TW: mentions of domestic abuse)

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(TW: mentions of domestic abuse)

note: I just have a request that you guys should accept the character's feelings and decisions wholeheartedly as the book goes, starting with this chapter. I understand that they could be making the shittiest decisions but they have their reasons and I have mine for writing it that way. And I want y'all lovely readers to know that, even if they are powerful and a part of the mafia, they have feelings and they still go through hurtful stuff. They are all human at the end of the day, and we need to respect that, even if they are just fictional characters. 

SO SO sorry for the lecture but have fun reading and I love y'all, thank you for reading <3

Pov: Leonidas Salvador

The second my eyes land on my reflection in the mirror, my heart drops and my mind fills with disappointment. My gaze scrutinizes the obvious bruise forming under my right eye, I let him hit me, again. 

I let him hit me and let him get away with it because I don't have the heart to tell anyone, I don't have the heart to stop him. How can I be 'The Emiliano Salvador's' son and get beat up by him, I'm just a failure according to him either way. 

My brother and mother think that my bruises are from sparring, but no, it's all from the man they look up to. The man I used to look up to. 

The man who gave up on me even if I tried my best to prove myself in every way, every single day. My own father.

I wince at the flashbacks of the fight that took place between us last night and pick up the ice pack, I put it on the bruise and hope it fades away quickly. 

I hate the fact that Seraphina is on her way here right now and at any given moment she might see the bruise, I don't want to lie to her but I'm going to have to feed her the same lies I'm about to dish out to my family. 

He got angry at me for letting Vince burn the contract papers even though I could've done literally nothing to stop him, how the fuck was I supposed to know that he needed the papers? And why the fuck do I have to suffer the consequences of something my brother did?

After everything you'd think I hate my brother but I don't, he's my older brother and I'm starting to think that he treats me with more love than my own father. Even if Vincent gets irritated at me and loses his temper with me sometimes, I know he loves me and cares about me. 

But he looks up to our father, I could never destroy that for him. It'd hurt him, it would make his hero look like a villain. I don't want to be the one to turn my father's heroism in front of Vince into an act of foolish villainy. 

 And my mother loves her husband, even if she does love her children and cares for them, she still has love for my father. This ugly secret could question that love, I don't want that to happen. 

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