Chapter 1

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"WHERE IS SHE!?" Bf screamed, tearing up in rage staring at the tall inky black figure, Legion, standing before him. "Hehehe... why, she's right here..." he replied, and footsteps could be heard approaching. His eyes went wide as the figure revealed itself to the light. "Isnt she beautiful?" She stood there. Eyes glowing. A sinister smiler plastered on her snow white face. Bf stared at her in a shocked silence. "Look at her." Legion smirked, and stepped closer to her, holding her close to him. Bf couldn't believe his eyes. No. He had to be dreaming. This couldn't be happening. He fell to his knees, his heart racing, his chest pumping. What did he do to her. "These are the consequences of your actions." Legion said. "Now she is mine. She is only mine." Bf just stared at the ground, wide eyed, having a silent meltdown beneath his crazed expression. "And this is all your fault." Memories started racing through Bf's head. Memories of him and his beloved. How they once were, before all of this shit. He wanted to go back, he wanted to go back so badly. Just to hold her again, as her true self, and not the monstrosity he has molded her into. After a moment, he smiled. He smiled wide. He put his hands to his head and started screaming, eyes wide and that crazed expression more evident than ever. It was clear, Legion put him to his breaking point... no, he had put him to his breaking point long ago. Gf was the only thing keeping him from full insanity. And now that she's gone... he's gone. His vision went to black. His throat raw from the screaming. But his voice was yet to be silenced. He was not finished here. Not until he and Gf were together again. He grasped his microphone tightly, his knuckles white from the grip he had on it, both fury and sadness burning in his chest, all mixed up and topped off with an overwhelming thirst for revenge. Legions deep voice rang in his ears, "3... 2... 1... go...". With that the music started, echoing through the empty background of wherever the hell he was. He was scared, panicked, even, but he knew what he had to do. He knew, he had to fight her. He began singing, his throat aching. The pain was almost unbearable. But he didn't care. He didn't care about anything anymore. He kept singing through the pain, his crazed expression still plastered onto his face. After a while, she appeared. Her voice was as soft as it had once been, but something was... different... something was... wrong... it had an eeriness to it that it had never had before. But Bf could still recognise it. And he hated it. He stared at her as she sang. Wishing he could do something other than just wait it out. The helplessness killed him. The song went on for what felt like decades... each note more painful than the last as he pushed himself to finish it. And... at last... the music stopped. Silence was all that followed. He reached out to her with a shaky hand, "G-Gf...?" He whispered. She gazed over to him from where she sat, a defeated look on her face, seeming to be trying to reach her hand to him also. The Gf he once knew was still in there. He knew it. He walked over to her, shaking a little, slowly making his way to his beloved. "Gf w-what has he done to you...?". He placed his hands on either side of her face once he had reached her. She was stone cold, almost as if she were nothing more than an icy corpse. She was silent, the only sound leaving her lips a weak whimper... like she was crying but did not have the strength to even shed her tears. "Shhh.. shhh... its ok, its ok... I'm here..." Bf whispered to her, planting a soft kiss on her forehead, "I'm going to get us out of here, I promise, no matter what it takes..." a tear fell from his eye and rolled down his cheek, dripping onto her cold black skin. "...I will save you, Gf..." Before he could say anything more, slow clapping could be heard from behind him. "Well, well, well... what a disgustingly affectionate moment between you two... how cute." Legion growled, that same infuriating grin on his face. Bf spun around and held out his arms by his sides, as if to shield Gf from the bastard. "DONT COME ANY CLOSE-" "Shut up." Legion said firmly, cutting him off. "You might be done with me... but I sure as hell ain't done with you, honey." Bf gritted his teeth, "Don't call me that you freak." This made Legion laugh, putting on a hurt expression, "Ooo... ow... my feelings... you think simple name calling has any effect on me little blueballs boy?" He smirked. Bf growled, clenching his fists in anger. "Aww... how adowable... the wittle guy is getting angwy." He cooed in a sickening baby-like tone. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Bf screamed at the top of his lungs, screwing his eyes closed. This only made Legion laugh harder. "HAHAHAHA YOU THINK THAT AFFECTS ME? WHAT A JOKE! YOU ARE A JOKE, BF!" That was all it took. Bf snapped and ran full belt at Legion. He had never run so fast in his life. He grabbed onto his leg and bit into it with all his strength, sinking his teeth into his cold, slimy, disgusting flesh. "AGH- YOU LITTLE BITCH-" He yelled, kicking him off and onto the ground harshly. Bf used what little strength he had left to lick the oily ink-like "blood" from his lips as he lay there. He felt immense pain in his right arm, from the elbow down. He glanced down at it from the corner of his eye to see it was severely damaged, the bone of his forearm sticking out in a bloody mess through his scarred flesh. Normally at a sight like that he would be screaming, but now, he simply did not care. Meanwhile Legion catered to his wounded leg. Bf had managed to tear a chunk of his calf muscle off, and it was bleeding profusely. This did not affect his physical health, it didn't take long for him to regenerate the flesh, but it annoyed him beyond measure. Who did that little blue bitch think he was, to dare try to challenge someone as great and powerful as he. "You'll pay for that, honey. You'll pay dearly." He said, glancing at his leg to make sure he had regenerated properly. Bf did not respond, he only chuckled through quite a bit of coughing. Legion then bent down on one knee, gazing down at him. "Something funny, honey?" He smirked, gently pinching and holding Bf's broken arm between his thumb and index finger. This made him go silent. He glared at his arm, and then at Legion. He knew just what he was going to do next. But nothing could have prepared him for it. Legion slowly twisted his arm, as if to pick a berry from a bush. Bf could feel his flesh tear, slowly, but painfully. He was too weak to struggle, and just had to bear it, screwing his eyes closed, screaming and begging for the pain to end. After what felt like forever, Legion swiftly tore off his arm, dangling it above him in a teasing manner. "Hehehe looks like your futile fight is over, I've disarmed you." He cackled, throwing the arm down beside Bf. And as this was all happening, Gf was sitting in the corner, too weak to move, to speak, to... do anything, really. She just had to watch the horrific scene with half-lidded eyes. Legion stood tall, gazing down upon them both. "I'm bored, we will play again later." He said smugly, turning on his heel. "Until then, Honey." He walked off, and Bf lay there in a pool of blood, shaking and panting. What was he supposed to do? What could he do in this situation? All these thoughts were running through his mind, his head aching like hell. He was about to close his eyes and just... give up... there was nothing he could do...

But then.
A shadowy figure, dressed in a long billowing cape and hat, appeared before him. He looked up, confused, and then he saw him.


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