Chapter 2

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The figure walked over to Bf, slipping his hands beneath his back and lifting him up. "Bf- Bf are you ok?!" Bf coughed a little, "Y-Yeah, I'm... I'm ok, Jenkins..." Jenkins then gave a worried glance over to Gf, and then back to Bf. "I'd better get you two out of here..." he walked over to Gf with Bf still securely in his arms, "...Before that maniac comes back..." he growled under his breath. He hoisted Gf over his shoulder, she had shrank due to her weakness and was now just a little bigger than normal, so carrying her was easy for him. He started walking, fast paced in some direction. Bf couldn't tell which, he was too out of it. Though he could tell that they were outside, he could feel the breeze on his skin and in his hair, and the cold light of the moon illuminating the three of them. Eventually Bf heard a door open and close, and he was gently placed on what felt like a sofa. He felt another be placed beside him, Gf, he assumed. And then he heard footsteps recede to another room. He opened his eyes and glanced to where he felt the others presence, he was right, it was Gf, and she looked terrible. Her eyes had heavy dark circles, her mouth agape with chapped lips, and her eyes red. She was breathing shakily, she looked as if she were asleep, but awake all at the same time. Physically though, she looked more... normal, now. Her hair had returned some of its reddish brown color, and patches of her once inky black skin were now back to her original complexion. Bf reached out to her once more, edging his way along the sofa to her, until he managed to rest his head on her shoulder. She seemed to wake up a little at the movement, and glanced at him, her cold dead eyes meeting his own. Neither of them spoke, they knew they had to conserve what little strength they had left, so they just sat in silence, looking into each others eyes. He stroked her hair gently, a soft smile on his face as he did so, genuinely happy to have this one moment if any... because who knows what will happen in the time to come. Gf's breathing slowly became steadier and she closed her eyes, leaning her head down to the side to give Bf more access to her hair. After a moment Bf spoke up, "I-I'm so... so glad you're... you're still here with me, G-Gf..." he said quietly, burying his head in the crook of her neck. She didn't reply, but seemed to weakly reach for his hand. He noticed this, and grasped her hand in his, softly, gently holding it. Then footsteps could be heard approaching the room and Jenkins walked in carrying a cloth and a small bowl of warm water. He knelt down in front of Bf and held out his hand, "Your arm, please." he said, referencing to the nub that was once Bf's right arm. He nodded and moved it forward to him. Jenkins held it in his left hand and dipped the cloth in the water, and then started dabbing the wound with it. It stung a little, Bf figured there must be some sort of antiseptic stuff in the water. He winced. Jenkins noticed that and cleaned more gently, although that didn't make it any less painful. "So uh... you guys are uh, lucky I found you when I did... any later and I... I fear I do not know, what would've happened..."  He said grimly, glancing at Bf and then back at his arm. "Guess we'll never know, heh, and uh... thank you, Jenkins..." Bf replied with a weak smile. Jenkins smiled back, "It is no problem, friend, I'm always here to help you two, whenever you may need." After that he placed the cloth on the ground and placed both hands on Bf's nub. Black sticky goo-like stuff started slowly molding onto it, Jenkins persuading the way it shaped as if it were pottery. Bf was a little concerned, he had no idea what he was doing, "U-Uh Jenkins?" "Hm?" He looked up at him for a second, "What uh- what are you doing?" He looked back down, "Ah, do not worry, you will see...". Bf just watched as he continued to shape the substance around his arm, curious as to what it was exactly. He looked over to Gf, she was still staring ahead with a lifeless expression. He worried for her, but he knew Jenkins would do what he could to help her as well. The two had known him for quite a while, and they knew him quite well. They had met him at his containment cell during their first days at the TCF. Unlike most of the entities contained there, he seemed like a very friendly individual. And as it turned out, he was. A surprise, for sure, but a very welcome one. They understood he could not leave his containment too often, but when he could they would always visit him. Of course he's one of the only ones, the others were pretty hostile towards them as expected. His train of thought was interrupted by Jenkins stepping back, "There we go, all done." He announced, and gestured to Bf's arm once again. Bf looked down and saw that the black substance had been molded into an exact replica of the arm he had lost. He flexed it and moved the fingers, in awe at how natural it felt. "Woah, feels just like my old one..." he said happily, looking it up and down. "As it should, you see, Trollge flesh and human flesh have many similarities. Though it may differ in color and texture, it is all the same when it comes down to it." Jenkins explained. Bf looked over to him, "I'll find a way to repay you, I swear, thank you so so much...". Jenkins smiled, "You are very welcome, Bf, I am glad it was that easy," he sat down beside the two, "A lot of the time it is quite difficult, depending on the injury. And to be fair, yours was quite severe, so I am bewildered yet content." "Heheh... I bet..." Bf chuckled. He, too, was relieved to get his arm back. But this was only one fortunate occurrence. There was surely more god awful events to come before they'd finally be free of this- this mess. "He's not done with you two, is he." Jenkins half-asked sadly. Bf shook his head, "No... no he isn't... at least, from what he told me..." Jenkins nodded, "I see, that means he will be relentless in finding you, I wouldn't be too surprised if he showed up at my door looking for you at some point." Bf huddled close to Gf, the fact that he knew that would most likely happen sickened him. Why couldn't that horrific bastard just fuck off and leave them the hell alone. "Y-youre right, that uh, does sound like something that'd happen..." He said quietly. There was a moment of silence. The only sound a ticking clock on the wall to their left. Ticking, ticking. None of them were sure just how much time went by. Of course, Bf knew they couldn't stay there forever. Although he wanted to. He always felt safe around Jenkins, even when he had to fight him a while back. He knows he won't hurt him unless some unknown fucking force makes him. "Oh- oh goodness where are my manners uh- would you two like something to drink?" Jenkins asked suddenly, glancing over at them. Bf chuckled at this, "Heheh, sure uh, water..." he then looked over at Gf, "Babe..? You want something..?" Again, nothing. Not a single word. "Uhm... just, water, for her too, uh.. please.." he eventually said. He was worried to say the least. She was in a bad state, he feared she was too far gone with whatever the hell is happening to her. But he decided to try to stay hopeful. Jenkins nodded and stood up, leaving the room again to go get the water. Bf sighed, "Gf...?" No response. "Gf p-please answer me I- I know you can... I know you can hear me..." he placed his hand on hers and pulled it a little, trying to get her attention. Still nothing. He started to tear up, "O-Ok then... as... as long as you're alive, at least, I... you... you don't gotta respond...". She leaned against him, as lifeless as ever. She was still breathing, her heart still pumping, she was still living... and he knew it... she just wasn't...


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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