Glaive's story

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There was once a boy called Glaive, He was a very charming fellow, he made music that he thought to be good. He cherished the idea of one day being famous. Glaive was what we like to call a "big dreamer". He dreamt of one day being friends with MGK (machine Gun Kelly) HE LOVED MGK. His favorite song of MGK was a billboard hit with Willow Smith, it was titled "Emo Girl".

This song inspired him to start making music, The lyrics of this song hit close to home for the young Glaive, "I fell in the love with an emo girl" had been one of the most heartfelt lyrics glaive has ever heard of and he has listened to many types of music and many artists but with MGK it was like no other.

One day Glaive was in his room recording music like he always does and eating cheetos, he spent three minutes licking the cheeto chips off his tiny fingers when he suddenly received an email from a record label "hellbound records" he threw is half ate cheetos on the floor making a mess of them as he was screaming for joy. This what he wanted he thought to himself. The email had stated that machine gun kelly wanted to do a song with him, Glaive was ecstatic. He was so excited that he peed his pants and started jumping into the air with his pants full of pee going down his leg and into the carpet, suddenly his dog comes in and starts licking the pee from the carpet Glaive roundhouse kicks his dog out of his room screaming a bunch of profanities at the dog "Get the f**ck out you s****ty piss-eater!". WIth his now found sense of joy Glaive goes to tell his mom about the offer her was given. His mom googles machine gun kelly and sees a bunch of racial stuff pop up and few instances of sexual assasult charges, seeing this his mom does not allow Glaive to go see his favoruite artist and glaive does not like this one bit...

With his new found anger Glaive is mad and wants to find an alternative way to see MGK, he goes on discord and talks to his fellow roblox friends they suggest glaive should kill his mom as a joke but Glaive thinks otherwise he gets off of discord and then opens up the dark web he then purchases an AR-15.

A week has passed and his purchase arrives in the mail, Glaive takes it up stairs and opens the box that contains the gun. "Wow" as he makes a whistle sound. He wastes no time and gets the bullet out and loads the bullets into the gun. He goes into his parents room and asked his father where his mother is and he said i dont know son. Glaive then shoots his father in the skull and then proceeds to go to his sisters room "do you know where mom is you fat slut? Bitch bag, baboon bitch, baghead troll, skunk smelling fleshtard?" before she can even say no glaive shoots her in the knee. "I want you to suffer as I have suffered. Remember the time you were making out with your boyfriend and you came as he touched your leg, It was me. I jerked you off at super speed so it felt like you came at another males touch when it was me, YOUR BROTHER!!!!! Also you're pregnant. With my child" he then shoots her in the head and blows the smoke off the gun he then enters the baby room and asks his baby brother has he seen his mom. The baby wails and Glaive then takes the baby's favorite toy and flushes it down the toilet leaving the baby alive. His mom was downstairs making food and glaive slowly walks behind covered in the blood of his family, "Do you i always hated your cooking. Whore." she turns around and screams and Glaives sticks the gun in her mouth and blows her head off. "Finally. Its over. I am free." Glaive then packs his bag and sets off to the airport to visit MGK.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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