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surprise:3? (not proofread)

"minho," placing a hand on the sleeping boys shoulder the woman sighed softly under her breath  "it's closing time sweetheart."

grunting softly under his breath minho nodded his head stiffly, the gentle weight of the womans hand leaving his shoulder as she pulled away. she was always so tender towards him.

"do you need a ride home?" watching the boy sit up with his hands covering his red face she smiled a little, her motherly tone making minho squeeze his eyes shut tighter.

"no i'm okay. my car is fixed anyway." declining her offer with a drowsy smile minho rubbed the sleep from his eyes with his fingers. he didn't want her worrying about him—he didn't need her to worry.

"alright. take your time waking up okay? don't want you driving half asleep." making sure to add a firmness to her silvery voice she grabbed the empty glass from the table before excusing herself.

pinching his arm lightly minho sat up straighter, dry lips drawing into a grimace as he glanced towards the window. he hadn't meant to fall asleep—he hadn't even meant to be there. but where else could go when he was feeling not so good? home? he didn't even think he could call his apartment home.

it was where he slept, showered and ate yeah. but it didn't venture further than a shell of living. the faint memories that stayed behind those walls were ones he wished wouldn't plague his mind every time he stepped through the threshold. the true warm feeling that used to linger was no longer there no matter how many candles he lit—or how many decorations he chose to display.

"ugh." shaking his head the brunette started collecting the mess of papers that were strewn all over the thick wood tabletop. his incomplete work just reminding him that he'd have to spend another large chunk of his day trying to complete it.

"minnie," approaching the table with a toothy grin the small girl placed a handful of sweets down "mom said to share some with you."

"oh—you didn't have to do that." offering the small girl a placid smile minho shook his head as he grabbed a random stack of papers.

"i wanted to! you helped me with my homework earlier so it's an even exchange." pushing the thick jelly headband she was wearing up a little more the girl shrugged her shoulders, cheeks turning a tad red "plus i like sharing with you!"

stifling a laugh minho couldn't help the way his eyes softened even more "i like sharing with you too. thank you."

"mhm. try not to eat them all or you'll get a tummy ache." pointing a finger at the boy with a stern expression on her scrunched face she huffed.

"yes ma'am." nodding quickly with a faux look of terror minho held his free hand up, a small giggle leaving the girl at how quickly he complied.

"seoyun quit bothering him."

flinching at her dads firm voice the girl laughed awkwardly, minho chuckling as his and the burly mans eyes met. a small smile on the mans lips.

"bye minnie! come back soon alright?"

"i will." minho murmured quietly. his promise making her beam before she left.

"rae says you slept almost all evening kid. you doing okay?" wiping his damp hands on the thick dish towel as he approached the small table minho was sat at the man raised a brow.

"yeah i'm fine. guess i was just tired." scooping the rest of the papers up without caring much if they were in order or not minho shrugged.

"that's quite an understatement. you had those two worried—they thought something was wrong." he muttered with a short laugh. his wife and daughter pacing around the kitchen as they tried to think of how to wake minho up was a funny sight.

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