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"No one really knows how it starts or how it works, but when you can just look at someone and you just know that they are the one for you, it all just happens out of nowhere, and it's something everyone needs, just a little bit of it can make a person happy or set them for life, don't know what I'm talking about? Well if you haven't already guessed it, I'm talking about love, hey, I'm Hawks and this, this is my story of how I--.."

"it's our story you oversized bird brain.." Dabi crossed his arms

"Oh, right... of course, how could I forget, sorry Dabi.." he smiled innocently

"Just get on with the story shit for brains..." Dabi said with a stern voice "afterwards, if your a good little birdie, we can uh... you know.."

Hawks blushed "oh shut up.. no talking about that in front of everyone you burnt chicken nugget!" He sighs and composed himself "anyway, on with the story.."


It was a cool summer night, I was just getting back from patrol when Endeavor had asked me to come into his office, I will admit, I was nervous and terrified that he would yell at me about something or maybe he'd throw darts at me again, but no, as I walked into his office, he was the opposite of angry, for once he was calm, and... was that worry I saw on his face, no it couldn't be, Endeavor is never worried.. after all he is the number one hero

I sat down on one of the chairs across from his desk "so, you called me in here after a long patrol.. what's the big deal?" I said leaning back a little, but also making sure my wings were comfortable

"Hmmm.. right.. let's get down to business.." Endeavor said a little annoyed and cleared his throat before speaking again "let's skip all the boring details and drama and get straight to the point.. the government and I need some to work as a double agent and we can't go and put the other hero's lives in danger.. so we choose you, because well.. you are government property after all.."

I looked at him in disbelief for a second before snapping out of it, of course this is what it was about.. I should have known he would bring something like that up, but he's right, I am just government property, just a weapon for them to use at any time they please, no matter if I'm the number two hero or not, that doesn't matter to them, I'm like a puppet and the government along with Endeavor are the ones that pull the strings, all thanks to my stupid selfish mother..

You see...


I didn't have the best childhood growing up, my mom was a selfish drunk and my dad.. well he's a Villain, but of course no one knows that, but I love my dad, even if he's a selfless Villain.. and he adored me, I guess that's why my mom hated me so much, and then one night, disaster struck in our home, I woke up to my mom yelling at my dad and throwing glass and stuff at him, I heard stuff like.. "your a good for nothing Villain!" And "I should have abandoned you and that stupid boy when he was born!"

it kept going on from there, and I will admit it hurt a little to here those things she said, but then I decided to get a closer look and saw my mom trying to kill my dad, and it was a hard decision to make as a five year old, but I quickly went to the nearest phone and dialed the number to Endeavors hero agency and told them what happened, after that it wasn't long before Endeavor showed up and of course I was excited to see him, since I looked up to him as a kid, now not so much.. but anyway, instead of taking my mom away, he took my dad away, but at least he was safe now, that's all that matters to me, but it only got worse from there..

After that night my mom hated me even more and did everything in her power to show she did, she used me as a servant at five years old, but I put up with it, no matter what she did, I stayed strong, because that's what my dad would want, even today, I'm a hero, a stong one at that, and I continue to stay strong, just for him, but anyway..

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