Chapter 1

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"You're fired." My boss said. "You realize you have done so many things wrong." I looked at him and just took off my hat and slammed it on his desk. I just left the room and then, left the dollar store. All I did was forget to scan a few items and let them steal them.

I walked home on the rainy street, head down, trying to avoid eye contract with anyone from gangs, school, or strangers. I walked onto the broken wooden stairs of my small home and opened the door and walked inside.

I was greeted by the soft meows of my cat Loafy. I reached down to pet him when I heard my favorite person.

"Everly!" his 8 year old voice said. My little brother Jamie came around the corner and ran to hug me. I hugged him and we sat down on the couch. That's when my mother came in the room.

"Hello Everly, welcome home." She said. I have to tell her the bad news. "Mom, I.." she looked at me in despair, knowing what my next words would be. "Well honey, there is a new job opening at a grocery store, and it's by your school." I looked at her and said, "I'll think about it."

Tommrow was Saturday, but Jamie still had a bed time. "I don't wanna go to bed!" He complained to my father who was holding back his laugh. Jamie had a booger on his nose and my dad didn't tell him. My dad told me to take Jamie to the bathroom to brush his teeth and help him fall asleep.

"..and so the blue dog caught the fish for his fiancé, and they had the blue dog and the pink poodle, loved happily ever after." I just finished Jamie's favorite bedtime story, The Poodle and the Hunting Dog. Jamie though, wasn't tired. "Can you sing a song?" He said. I laughed and said, "I can't sing." His face turned to sorrow, so I couldn't resist. I started sing my favorite lullaby, that my grandmother sang to me when I was Jamie's age.

"Over the mountains, across the sea,
You and me, can roam free.
In the darkness you will find,
That you and I, are the light."

Jamie was asleep, just after that. I fell asleep at that time in the song as well when I was younger. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and head to bed. Jamie had made a mess in the sink, trying to make slime with toothpaste and glue. I cleaned the mess and brushed my teeth. When I was finished I headed to the bedroom and fell asleep on my old mattress with only one pillow and a light blanket to keep me warm.

The sunlight came through the window waking me up. My whole family was already eating breakfast, which was leftover unheated pizza and some lettuce. I picked out the sausage from my pizza and fed it to Loafy. The cat loved sausage. I finished my pizza and the few lettuce leave that we had from my father's garden.

I finished breakfast and told my mother I was going on a walk. I grabbed my black jacket and my hat. I left the house and walked downtown to see if there were any job openings. I was busy looking at all the buildings while crossing the street, I didn't notice the car speeding toward me. The car was going to hit me, when a young man came flying towards me and lunged me out of the way. The car went speeding by and the guy looked at me. He looked so familliar.

"Are you ok?" He asked. His green eyes were worried. His blonde hair was messed up. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine." I said "Uh thanks for saving me." He smiled "Your welcome, uh I am Fin." I laughed at his name. "Fin? Like what fish have?" I laughed even more. When I stopped laughing I asked him, "Do you know anybody that's hiring?" He smiled, "My dad is hiring, you should meet him, he pays a lot." Perfect! I thought. I followed Fin to his home, so I could meet his father.

His home was an average two story home. It had a small pool, but a large garden. Fin led me in. The inside was nothing like the outside. The couches were clear, like glass, but more comfy than ever. One of the walls, that sided the hallway, was a very large fish tank. The weird think was that there was no fish. The tank stopped at every doorway except for one. It was his father's office, with many electrical wires, computers, and all kinds on devices. Fin knocked on the table by the door as we walked in. "I found someone." he said to his father. His father's gaze turned to me. "Perfect."

Fin's dad was named Alan Riley. He was a average sized man with brown eyes and dyed red hair with a crazy dark green suit on. "What is your name?" He asked. Fin was also listening. "Everly Addis." Fin's grin turned into a frown, while his father's small smile turned into a big grin. "Fin could you go to your room?" Fin nodded and left, so I was left alone with his father.

"Have you ever killed someone before?" He asked. I was startled at the question. "What?!"

"Have you ever killed someone before?" He repeated. I immediately shook my head.

"Perfect we'll set you up with Kristen for training." He picked up the phone started dialing a number. "Training- what is going on?" I asked.

"Everly, you are going to be an assassin, we pay you a certain amount everytime you kill a target." I couldn't think. An assassin? A murderer? But my family really needs the money. "I'll do it, send me to training.

I met Kristen, a seventeen year old girl who taught me everything about murdering. She taught me the basic way to stab, shoot, strangle and everything else. I went home to eat and sleep and then would come back every day to train. My mother thought I worked at a clothes store, so I was safe. After about two weeks I was good at killing the mannequins that seems real with fake blood coming out of them when I stabbed it, shot it, and other things.

"I think your ready." Kristen said. "I'll tell Alan." Alan came down into the basement where the training room was. "Are you ready for your first target?" I nodded as he took my back upstairs to his office, that was surrounded by empty fish tanks.

He took out a big folder and took out the first piece of paper. "500 targets in here, but I do have many more folders." I was shocked. 500 people! I possibly couldn't kill 500 people. He scanned through the piece of paper. "Now Everly, these are real people, not mannequins. I nodded and knew that I had to kill a real person now. He handed the first paper to me, and I read the name.

I couldn't believe who my first target was. The very short black hair. The big mustache. My first target wasn't a stranger. It was Remi García, my former boss at the dollar store.

Thank you for reading Chapter 1! Chapter 2 is coming soon.

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