02; starting school and hating students

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A BLARING ALARM woke Creed up from his sleep, his eyes still closed as his arm throws his alarm clock off his bedside table, smashing in the process.

Groaning, he sat himself up in his bed sluggishly, his eyes cracking open, crusted with dried sleep that accumulated during the night.

It had been a week since he moved to forks, and unfortunately for the male, it was Monday, the first day of school. The first day of his own version of hell.

He blinked and rubbed his eyes, yawning in the process, it was 6:30am, an hour till he had to leave for school. He got up, did his daily routine and got dressed for the day.

A jean jacket hugging his upper body, a cream t-shirt paired with light blue baggy jeans. A necklace that matches his younger brothers' own hung round his neck. White sneakers placed on his feet.

By the time he looked at the time again, he had barely made it in time to leave, he jogged down the stairs, grabbing his used backpack that was sitting on the living room sofa.

"Mom, i'm ready to go!" he yelled, hearing his mothers heels click against the wooden floor. She walked in, a slice of hot toast on a plate.

"I figured you wouldn't have had breakfast yet, so here's a slice of toast for you to eat on the way." She smiled, he nodded in thanks before shoving the toast into his mouth.

The drive to forks high school wasn't long, it took roughly ten minutes; they pulled up into the car park, the eyes of the teens immediately going to the grey car.

"I won't be able to pick you up, you remember the way home?" His mother asked, Creed smiled in return, nodding his head, grabbing his backpack he quickly placed a kiss on his mother's cheek before exiting the car.

He ignored the stares as best as he could as he made his way into the building, his old school, in his opinion was much better — and bigger.

Arriving at the schools office, he asked for his schedule, receiving it and his locker key and code aswell as a slip for his teachers to sign at the beginning of each class.

He thanked the old woman and left, looking down at the paper in his hand, his first class of the day was his very own definition of hell, Mathematics.

Creed hated maths, he hated it because it was the only thing that he was handicapped at, it was because of his dyscalculia. When he saw numbers, they jumbled together, it didn't make sense to him, they wandered off the page and every time he looked away and looked back, he could swear it was an entirely different question.

Sighing, he made his way towards the classroom the best he could without getting lost, although it wasn't that difficult, the school was incredibly small.

He arrived, walking through the open door. Locking eyes with an older man who looked miserable.

"You're the new student, eh?" the man spoke, his eyes trailing up and down Creeds body, sending uncomfortable shivers up his spine.

"Creeds Banks." was all that creed said, handing over the slip of paper for him to sign. the man huffed in annoyance, signing the paper before directing him towards a seat in the back.

"You can sit next to Mr. Cullen." he pointed towards a brunette with ghostly-pale skin.

Creed sat down at his seat after taking the paper from the teacher. His eyes snook glances at the teen beside him — he was a soft looking boy, he had a somewhat innocent look.

His features were soft, his hair was standing up slightly, as if it was perfectly styled — yet no product could be seen in his hair. His eyes were amber, his black eyelashes brushing against his cheeks. But there was something wrong with him.

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