"What Up Movie Goers"

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"Okay we've got The Breakfast Club or," Robin sifted through the titles of new releases. "Pretty in Pink?" Robin held up both of them. Steve laughed lightly and folded his arms.

"I think you just want to watch Molly Ringwald for two hours." Steve picked up the Breakfast Club VHS. "Also this one." He said, sliding it over to Robin. Robin raised her eyebrows.

"And what's so wrong with that?" Robin laughed, pointing at the red haired girl on the tape. "Wouldn't you want to stare at her for as long as you could?"

"I guess." Steve shrugged. Robin scoffed and put 'Pretty in Pink' back on the shelf.

Business had been slow today. Steve and Robin had been annoying each other since opening and debating on whether or not they would date certain actresses. Most of which Steve had said 'no' to, and nearly all of them Robin had said 'yes' to. Steve always had some ripe excuse as to why, to which Robin would then call it a weak excuse and a joking argument would spew from there.

"You did not just 'I guess' Molly Ringwald." Robin accentuated the 'I guess' in disbelief, holding her hand to her heart.

"I think I did," Steve nodded, resting his elbows on the counter waiting for someone to come in. "God, nobody ever comes in here." Steve groaned, plopping in head into his now folded arms. Robin came behind him and patted him on the back.

"Its because they don't like you." She pats Steve on both of his shoulders and heads to the back to find some more tapes. Steve rolls his eyes and glances out the windows at the street. He watched as a familiar tan van drives up and parks in between two parking spots.

Squinting ever so slightly to see if he could see Eddie in the front seat, as Mike, Dustin and Lucas pile out. It had been a while since Lucas had come into the store. Especially with Mike or Lucas, on the rare occasion Max and him would stop by. He began to grow impatient as he waited for Eddie to come out. He didn't. And Steve didn't know why he wanted to see him so bad again. They'd spoken on the phone a few times after their re-introduction. Suddenly Steve wanted to know everything about this 'Eddie' guy. To see if he could try and recall if they'd met.

His heart sank when he watched the van reverse and drive away. And as much as Steve tried to shake the, what he called, 'clingy' feeling out of his head, it came back stronger. Aching to know more. Steve chewed his lip as his friends came in, grabbing the 'The Breakfast Club' tape and looking at the red haired Molly Ringwald Robin wanted him to like so bad. He looked at it, trying to feel something. Anything.

"Steve?" Dustin waved his hand in front of Steve. He didn't budge though, he was so deep in thought that a fire alarm could go off and he wouldn't notice. He just sat there, looking at the tape.

"Steve!" Dustin snapped his fingers and Steve broke his gaze, looking up at Dustin. "What's up? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Steve started rubbing his eyes. "Didn't get good sleep last night." Which was partially true. Dustin raised his eyebrows and looked at Robin.

"Steve, I sleep until 12, Harrington cares about how much sleep he got." Dustin was purposefully overdramatic. For the sole purpose of pissing off Steve. It worked. Steve groaned and leaned up against the wall where the telephone hung. He glanced at it, hoping it would ring and it would be the payphone stranger. Hoping it would be Eddie.

"Jesus Christ, Steve. She's not gonna call you, not this early." Robin scoffed, leaning closer to Dustin, Lucas, and Mike. "He's been like this ever since some chick accidentally called the store." Robin's eyes slowly go back to Steve, who is looking around trying to find something else to talk about. Something other than the 'she.'

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