"wanna go out sometime""we've been married for five years""you're my person"+han

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PAIRING | han x reader
IDOLS FEATURED | han jisung, lee felix, bang chan
WC | 836
GENRE | fluff, married au
WARNINGS | drinking, alcohol consumption

The atmosphere was warm, stuffy even, especially considering the temperature difference from inside the bar when compared to the outside—autumn had decided to come quite early this year, with summery days full of constant sunlight, but bitterly co...

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The atmosphere was warm, stuffy even, especially considering the temperature difference from inside the bar when compared to the outside—autumn had decided to come quite early this year, with summery days full of constant sunlight, but bitterly cold nights that forced you to snuggle under the covers extra deep with your husband. You smiled a little as your thought drifted to him, the love of your life. You still remembered the first day that you met, how he'd caught your eye immediately with his toothy, heart-shaped smile and big brown eyes that caught the light perfectly, making your young heart skip a beat as he locked eyes with you. You'd admired his confidence too, how he wasn't afraid to walk right up to a stranger he found attractive and crack a bad joke to try and entice you, even though it was evident you were already enamored by him.

There were plenty of things you loved about Jisung, anyone who knew you could probably recite a mile-long list by heart just from how much you talked about him subconsciously, so in love with him that you managed to sneak him into conversations that were completely off-topic. Maybe it was a little annoying sometimes, but really, your friends were just glad that you were happy, if that was a good enough word to describe how much you really loved Jisung.

He was the same way with you, of course, never shutting up about your looks, your personality, your laugh, your sense of humor... he'd even managed to change a conversation about Hyunjin's dog to you, sighing dreamily as he mentioned how you once wanted a dog just like Kkami, making all of his friends shake their heads and give each other knowing looks. But they were the same as your friends—happy that he was happy, and they couldn't help but adore you and the way you loved Jisung endlessly.

You swirled your drink around in your glass, chattering away happily with Felix and one of your old friends from high school, recounting a quirky tale from one of your many vacations with Jisung. Just then, the man himself plopped down in between you and Felix, one hand on his hip and the other holding up his face, flushed reddish-pink from the alcohol. "Hey," he said flirtily, wiggling his eyebrows, "wanna go out sometime?" You covered your mouth with your hand, giggling as Felix groaned and walked off, muttering something about catching up with you later, dragging your old friend along with him so she wouldn't have to suffer through Jisung's horrible attempts at being cute.

"We've been married for five years," you sang, sipping your drink, not playing his little game. He picked up on it immediately, frowning and scooting closer to you, putting an arm around your shoulders and whining in your ear.

"Just play along," he slurred, and you shook your head, smiling playfully as you pinched his chubby red cheeks.

"I think it's time we go home," you noted, finally noticing the way Chan was motioning to a large collection of empty glasses, all presumably from your tipsy husband. "You've certainly had quite a night." Your tone was light-hearted, and Jisung perked up when he heard your teasing tone, burying his face in your chest as he hugged you.
"Will you help me to the car?" he asked sheepishly, his senses coming back to him just a little.

You hummed in approval, holding his hand tightly and guiding him to the exit, making sure to wave at your friends to let them know of your departure. You helped Jisung to the car, making sure he didn't trip over his own feet in the dark parking lot, and slid into the driver's seat, adjusting the mirror so that you could see properly. You sighed, looking over at Jisung with admiration as he drew little hearts on the fogged up window.

He kissed you on the cheek as you began pulling away from the bar, whispering, "Thank you for helping me. You're my person, you know that?"

"I know," you teased once more, and he scoffed, reaching for your free hand and lacing his fingers with yours.

"I love you," he said seriously, squeezing your hand gently, "I'm so lucky to have you in my life."

"I love you too," you said back, bringing your entwined hands up to your mouth so you could kiss the back of his hand, your lips grazing his knuckles and making him flush. Even after five years, he still felt butterflies in his stomach every time he looked at you, he never once questioned his decision to live his life with you. He was so lucky to have you, and he promised to make sure you would never forget how much he loved you.

Little did he know, you were thinking the exact same thing about him, smiling to yourself as you flipped through your memories, your heart surging with warmth as you thought about the love of your life.

SKZ, TXT, ENHA imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora