"let me play with your hair, you big baby." + jake

284 4 0

PAIRING | jake x reader
WC | 650
GENRE | fluff

You watched as Jake shook out his floppy, damp hair, running a hand through his grown-out blonde locks

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You watched as Jake shook out his floppy, damp hair, running a hand through his grown-out blonde locks. It had been a while since he last dyed his hair, and he was constantly complaining that he looked unkempt due to the dark brown roots sprouting from the top of his head, annoyed that the company wouldn't let him fix it until filming for the next comeback began. He'd much preferred his shorter hairstyles, the familiar darkness that you almost couldn't weave through your fingers. Perhaps you preferred his longer hair, even if it pissed him off to no end, lovingly sweeping your fingers through the blonde, pulling it up into a barely-there ponytail, making him scoff and shake it out, letting the abandoned hair tie tumble down to the floor before looking up at you and smiling innocently.

He flopped onto the bed, burying his bare face into the clean, white sheets and huffing, a muffled sound that barely reached your ears. "I don't want you to go," he confessed, looking up at you with puppy-dog eyes that made your heart melt, "I miss you already."

You laughed, sitting on the edge of his bed, smoothing back his hair lovingly before flicking him on the forehead, making his eyes cross as he tried to watch your quick movements. "I'm not going just yet, we have until the morning," you reminded him, and he rolled over and groaned, a whiny sound that made you want to roll your eyes, endearingly.

"But my love," he whined, "I don't want to go to work either, I'm tired. Just wanna stay home with you and do nothing all day."

"I've got plans too, you know," you said, standing up, but he caught you by the wrist, dragging you back gently and making you smile. "I need to go take a shower!" you exclaimed, wiggling out of his grasp.

"Just stay with me," he demanded cheekily, sitting up and pulling you into his lap, "I want attention."

"You're so immature," you pouted, but settled yourself comfortably on his legs, making him hum in appreciation. You looked up at the handsome boy, who was now scrolling through his phone, plush lips pushed into a pout, and threaded your fingers through the floppy blonde mess that sat atop his head, immediately catching his attention and making him lean away, whining again. "Let me play with your hair, you big baby," you teased, sitting up on your knees beside him and making a tiny blonde braid, holding the end of it so it wouldn't unravel. Jake held still as you snapped a picture, fully sulking now as you gleefully held up his locks in several different hairstyles, each one making him grumpier.

"Have you had your fun yet?" he mumbled, large hands encompassing yours as you held up two pigtails atop his head, "I want to go to sleep."

"Five minutes ago you weren't sleepy," you sang, but let go of his hair and laid down, landing on the soft sheets with a slight thump. "I know you like it when I play with your hair anyways."

His cheeks flushed pink. "I do not!" he denied, although as you snuggled under the covers, he held up two pigtails while peering at his reflection in the mirror, cocking his head to the side as he pondered whether it was truly as bad as he thought. You hummed in appreciation, making him turn back to look at you, embarrassed, knowing he'd been proven wrong.

"Come to bed?" you asked, moving over so there was space for him. He sheepishly shuffled towards you, getting in beside you and hugging you close to his body, burying his nose in your hair.

"Love you," he mumbled, and you could tell he was still embarrassed.

"Love you too," you said back, pressing a kiss to his neck, only slightly smug about being right.

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