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Josephine had always been afraid to let someone in. It destroyed her to live her life this way. She knew it probably wasn't good for her mental health, but as long as she was giving the love she never received, she sought out to be okay.

But when Draco had reciprocated her energy, she fell for him. Hard. Because of her mother and her father, Josephine loved feeling alone. Even when Draco and her got together, her fear of abandonment didn't seem to really go away.

At first, she tried to separate herself from him. Anything, to prepare herself for abandonment, as long as she wasn't hurting anyone else. She had a love/hate relationship with Draco at first.

She didn't want his love, but she wanted to give him love.

"How could you run off on us?!" Draco asked her and she sniffled, "I'm sorry!" She cried, head in her hands. Draco kneeled down and grabbed her hands, removing them to hold her face.

"Please, talk to me, Josephine. Please." He said, voice cracking and tears in his eyes.

He didn't know a girl could make him feel this way.

But they had known and liked eachother for so long. When they had entered their third year, Draco had gotten onto Josephines good side. He bullied her all throughout first and second year but soon realized he had feelings for her.

He decided to tell her, and they stuck ever since. But now it was fifth year, and Draco had said he loved her.

Josephine ran away for a week.

"I didn't know what to say." She sniffled, "I didn't wanna hurt you." The feeling of guilt waving through her. He smiled and kissed her. "You could never hurt me." She looked into his eyes, hurt within his smile.

Was it all for nothing?

"Jo? Are you alright?" Meredith asked her. 'W-what?' Josephine was confused, she looked around and she was in the common room. She'd zoned out. "Are you okay? You were talking about Draco and then stopped."

"What'd i say?" She asked as Pansy handed her a glass of water. "How you missed him." Blaise added. "Oh. I must've gotten too caught up-."

Draco walked down the stairs of the common room. He stopped in his tracks as he spotted Josephine. He cleared his throat, "erm, Blaise... party tonight?"

Josephine's heart broke. He was exploring liberties after they'd broken up. She still loved him, as he was her first everything. "Can all of them come?" Blaise asked. Draco stopped and then spoke, "sure."


"How hot is this outfit?" Meredith asked Josephine. She was wearing a short low-waisted skirt with fishnets and a black shirt. "Very hot." She responded with as she finished her homework. "Jo, you should go. Who knows what'll happen." She said with a wink, but Josephine rolled her eyes. "Nothing is happening tonight. All people do at party's are drink and throw up everywhere. Plus, it starts to smell after an hour. No way."

"Whose ready to par-tay!" Pansy barged in. "I know I am- Josie! Why aren't you ready?!" She asked. "Ms. I'm-too-cool-for-parties doesn't want to go." Meredith chuckled, and Josephine huffed. "Fine. But you guys owe me."

They walked down to the common room, where music was blasting. There were beer bottles playing around and a group of people in one place while others played games. "Let's take some shots?" Meredith asked. "I'm gonna stay here.' Josephine said, particularly in that spot, where she could see Draco and Astoria. They'd been hanging out lately.

Josephine looked around to find Pansy and Meredith, but when she turned back around, she'd seen something which shattered her heart.

Astoria was kissing Draco.

Her neutral smile had faded into a frown, tears puddling in her eyes. It was all for nothing.

Draco had pulled away, and immediately started looking for Josephine. Trying her best to not cry, she's stood up and left the common room.

So many thoughts rushing her mind, putting her head into her hands. She ran up to the astronomy tower and tried steadying her breathing. Draco had moved on so fast. She was so clearly in love with him but he hadn't felt the same. He was over her, she thought.

He wasn't.

Despite him hanging out with Astoria, he couldn't help but look for little traces of Josephine in her. He'd try to like her, but it was difficult. Astoria bummed French cigarettes, the expensive kind while Josephine had gotten the cheapest ones she could find. It didn't matter whether they were French or not, because he had Josephine. His most beautiful possession.

Of course, he couldn't tell her that. He decided in order for Josephine to get over him, he'd have to get over her too. But he couldn't help feeling lonely some nights.

He walked up to the Astronomy Tower, where he heard soft sniffles coming the woman he loved most.

"Jo?" He called out, the sniffling stopping. "Josephine, answer me. I know you're up there!" He remained. "What do you want?" She replied, walking down the stairs. "I thought you weren't coming." He breathed out with relief. "Yeah? So you could kiss her and I wouldn't have to see? All of us were invited. You knew I was there, but you don't care. You never cared. You only wanted me for one thing!" She cried,

"How could you say that?!" He asked her, fury building up. "Is it not true? You were nice at first, and then when I finally gave you what you wanted you just threw me away! You discarded my feelings like they weren't real. What about what I wanted? What about how I felt? What about all the times i tried to express myself to you? All I wanted was for you to love me-."

"You ran away from me when I told you I loved you. There isn't much I can do." He retort, desperation seething through his teeth as he spat the words harshly. She stopped. She looked into his eyes, "fuck you." She said before walking away.

"Just walk away. Like you always do!" He kept going, "what I said about you being your mothers daughter really is true!"

She turned around she got into his face. "Go to hell! You know nothing about me..... what happened to you?"

a/n: omg hi guys i deleted wattpad for a while but i'm back hope u enjoy ily guys 😭

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