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A/N-Keep in mind we are first years right now:) also i switch POV you will know when:)
*On the Hogwarts Express*

I just got done waving goodbye to my parents and my little brother William. I slumped down in my seat with no one else in my compartment. I looked over at my pet owl "Muffin." He was named by William for his chocolate brown feathers and the black marks that cover his body.

"Well Muffin get ready for a long year"

He cooed at me and his closed his eyes and with that I closed my eyes also to try to get some sleep.

I feel the train pull to a stop and all of us climbed out of the train and into some boats that a tall and very hairy man told us to get into. I think he said his name was Hagrid. I don't really remember. I stepped into a boat with 3 others following behind me.

"Hurry up Ron"

The girl with the fluffiest hair i've ever seen said pushing the red head boy into the boat. Another boy with round glasses and black hair with a lightning shaped scar on his forehead starts laughing. I looked at them with a small smile. The lion mane girl introduced herself to me and held out her hand for me to shake

"Granger. Hermione Granger"

She says with a big smile on her face. I took her hand and gave her a smile and a firm handshake back.

"Elliott. Lily Rose Elliott, but you can just call me Lily".

Hermione smiled brightly at me and pointed towards the red headed boy that she was shoving into the boat earlier

"That's Ron and that's Harry"

She says pointing to the boy with glasses. Ron spoke up and did and a fake bow in the boat

"Ron Weasley at your service" He says with a smirk. I gave him a small smile back.

The boy known as Harry spoke up
"Im Harry Potter" He says with a very cheek smile. He is kinda cute I think to myself.

Harry's POV
I looked at Lily as she gave me a cute smile. I admire her features, her black curly hair that bounces every time she moves. Her tan skin tone and her beautiful bright green eyes. I couldn't help but stare. She interrupts my thoughts as she noticed my staring

"Harry do I have something on my face?" She says reaching up to her face and starts slowly freaking out

I start laughing and shake my head no. I see behind her, Ron and Hermione and I see them look at each other and back at me and they smirked. I ignored them and rolled my eyes and I talked and laughed with Lily all the way to Hogwarts.

Back to Lily POV
When we arrived we all got out of our boats and Hagrid led us up a large flight of stairs in front of a large oak door. A boy the last name of Longbottom lunged through the crowd and grabbed a frog named Trevor. There was an older lady in front of him who cleared her throat and he backed away shyly. She sent a smile at Hagrid

"I will take the first years from here. My name is Professor McGonagall. In a moment I will lead you into the Great Hall where you will be sorted into 4 houses. There is Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Now every one make a line. Hurry up chop chop." She says clapping her hands making us scurry into a line.

Professor McGonagall led us into the Great Hall and there were students everywhere along with all of the teachers lined up with the headmaster in the middle. The headmaster introduced himself as Professor Dumbledore and some other things but I didn't pay attention I just couldn't wait to find out what kind of house I would be sorted in.

She had a stool next to her and on that stool stool was a hat. The sorting hat, I remembered my parents tell me about it. Professor McGonagall started listing off names of other first years. One by one they got the sorting hat placed on them and it shouted out one of the 4 houses the Professor named earlier.

"Hermione Granger" she yells out and I looked over at my friend and smiled at her
She made her way through the crowd and sat up on the stool and the hat was placed on her head.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The sorting hat shouted. The table full of Gryffindor students erupted with clapping and cheering.

"Draco Malfoy" The professor yells out

I see the platinum blond hair make his way through the crowd. I looked at him and stared into his grey eyes that are full of pride. I kept on looking at him and next thing I know he catches me staring and I quickly looked away. As the hat was being placed on his head it yelled out

"SLYTHERIN." With no hesitation.

Ron and Harry got sorted into Gryffindor, I thought that it would be nice to join my new friends but I knew I wasn't a Gryffindor. Finally I was the last student and I was so nervous, all eyes will be on me, including Malfoy's.

"Our final student.. Lily Rose Elliott." Professor McGonagall yells out.

I walk up to the stool and sit on it, my hands were sweating. I hated being the center on attention. The hat was quiet for a minute, not saying a word. Until it shouts out "SLYTHERIN"! It made me jump a little bit. But I had a huge smile on my face and made my way to the table that was clapping for me. I looked at the table and I saw Malfoy smirking at me and I completely forgot that we will be in the same house. I mentally groaned to myself.

I sat next to a girl with brown hair pulled back into a braid and brown large eyes. She smiled at me and stuck her hand out to me for me to shake.

"I'm Marcie Mills"

"Lily Elliott" I smile back and shook her hand. I'm glad I already have someone in Slytherin I can be friends with. I glanced over at the Gryffindor where I saw my friends sitting and they turned and waved at me and I gave them a wave back. Soon the sight of my friends was cut off by the one and only Draco Malfoy. I glared up at him

"Need something Malfoy?" I said with a very annoyed tone.

"You're a Slytherin Elliott, no need of associating with pathetic Potter and his friends..." he paused for a moment and leaned forward putting his face in mine.

"Yet I see why you got along so quickly with Granger, filthy mud bloods find their way to eachother". I got up and slammed my hands on my table, startling Marcie, I get right in Malfoy's face.

"Get the hell out of my face you spoiled frog." I say through my gritted teeth.

He scoffs and sits down with Crabbe and Goyle. I rolled my eyes and groaned. Macie looked at me confused and I just shook my head and told her

"Long story.."

A/N- Okay I wanted to do a background story sorry if it was long, got lost in details again lol. I tried to do a Y/n story but it threw me off so maybe in the future. MAJOR TIME SKIP TO 5th YEAR ALMOST 6th. They are not mature teens and Marci knows Lily and
Draco's background. Thanks for reading :) <3

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