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A/N- Keep in mind that there was a time skip to their 5th year almost 6th year so they are mature teenagers

Marcie comes over to my bed and shakes me awake
"Come on Lily, we are going to be late"
I groaned
"Marcie you are my best friend and roommate but I will not hesitate to strangle you."
I say yawning and slowly sitting up. Marcie just laughs and leaves the room. I dragged myself out of bed and went into the loo, doing my duties (A/n-see what i did there :)) .
I grab my books and run out the room to the Slytherin common room to meet Marcie.
"Finally." she says yawning. I just rolled my eyes at her, Draco walks in and of course makes a remark.

"Elliott if you keep rolling your eyes they are going to get stuck in your head." He says while make a weird face.

"Shove it Malfoy." I say leaving the common room and I hear Malfoy behind me mocking me.

"sHoVe iT mAlFoY."


Marcie and I are in the Great Hall eating breakfast, taking with the other Slytherin students. I catch at the corner of my eye Malfoy coming in with his posse and comes right to the open seat next to me.
He gives me no room and brushes his knee against mine.
I look at him with disgust and tries to scoot over towards Marcie and who is on the other side of me not paying attention at all.
I felt Draco's hand slowly grab onto my thigh and I felt his rings dig into my leg. I gasp and look at him and he gives me a smirk and a wink.

"Don't make any noises." He says whispering in my ear.

I looked away and tried to continue to talk to my friends, during conversation I felt Draco's hand travel further up my leg to the hem of my underwear. I think to myself "of course I wore lace today."
I mentally kicked myself for that.
I felt him get close to my heat and his fingers grazed over the top of my underwear.

He whispers in my ear, "already so wet for me." He says with a smile. I immediately went red.

I was so focused on his fingers I can barely pay attention to my friends. He moved my underwear to the side and I felt him insert one finger. I gasp and bring my hand to my mouth.

"Lily? Are you alright?" Marcie asks me.

"I'm fine, just dreading going to classes." I say with a fake smile and I pushed Malfoy's hand away and got up from the table.

"I will see you in class Marcie." I quickly left and went to an empty hall way and I leaned against the wall breathing hard.

"What the hell just happened." I smack my forehead.

"I can tell you what happened." I heard a voice right behind me and I jumped.


"DRACO MALFOY!" I say being startled.

"You can not be sneaking up on me like that." I say backing away from him as he walks closer towards me. Eventually I hit the back wall and Draco is right in front of me. He slams both of his hands on the side of my head, he isn't much taller than me I would say around 2-3 inches.
I have never been this close to him before, I start admiring his features, his sharp jawline, his shiny grey eyes.
I couldn't help but smell his peppermint breath and his fancy cologne that smells so good. I hated how comfortable I felt being like this. I looked down at his lips and without thinking I licked my own lips.

"Lily stop licking your lips..also your staring at me." He says looking into my eyes.

"Well Draco..It's kinda hard not too when you are trapping me against the wall." I said through gritted teeth.

"Now move out of the way, I can't be late again." I say trying to push him back so I can make my escape.

Draco doesn't budge so I lean towards him and get inches from his lips and he goes in for a kiss but I quickly dodged him and went under his arms and left for class as fast as my legs could carry me.
All the way to class the only thing I could thing of is how pissed Draco is going to be.


I finally made it through all my classes some what paying attention. I made my way to the Slytherin common room and ran to my room. Luckily Marcie won't be here for awhile she has to redo some tests with Snape and we all know that takes forever.
I fall onto my bed face forward into my pillow questioning life, especially thinking about my situation with Draco. I decided to get up and change into my comfy clothes.
I pull off my uniform and throw on some baggy shorts and as i'm about to put on my shirt I hear the door be slammed open. I spun around and dropped my shirt standing in my black laced bra staring at my intruder...

A/N- Alright I could decide how long I wanted this to be, in my rough draft it's hella long so i had to cut it off but I hope you are enjoying it and thanks for reading <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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