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No one P.O.V

It had took them exactly 45 more minute before reaching their destination. The two teenage boys were the only passengers left in the bus. Some went off to either go home to their family, or just go somewhere. Like them.

Deku had woken the blond beside him, looking at him with a smile on his lips as the boy tried his best to go back to sleep again.

Guess he had trouble sleeping last night.

Deku thought, looking back infront of him. And in the distance, he saw the bus stop.

Deku:"we're here kacchan. Come on"

Deku calmly said to the boy. Katsuki looked at him, drowsy eyes, hair a little bit messy, and mouth agape a little. Then he glanced back infront of them. Just in time to see the bus make its stop.

Kat:"mhm. .come on then. ."

Katsuki yawned after saying that. Deku laughed at how cute katsuki looked right now. He stood up and started to walk over to the front. He and katsuki already payed for their ride earlier while getting in.

Deku said goodbye to the driver, as well as a "please be careful while driving sir!" With a wide smile. The driver  smiled at him and thanked him.

Deku finally walked out of the bus, looking back after.

He saw that katsuki was already out of the bus and was standing infront of him.

Deku:"come on kacchan! Let's go buy something before going to auntie and uncles house!"

Deku took a hold of katsukis hand and started to walk. He was thinking of buying something so they wouldn't come empty handed. Maybe some pastries? Since that would probably be more efficient to bring.

Some freshly baked goods would really go well with some coffee. Or maybe some jam.

(Coffee and bread together is bussin. Especially the ones that just got out of the oven. Can't change my mind)

Deku:"let's go buy some pastries kacchan!"

Deku looked behind him and saw katsuki looking down, staring at his hand holding katsukis.


Shit! When did he get a hold of katsukis hand?! Katsuki was definitely gonna kill him! With all the excitement he had felt earlier, he probably grabbed katsuki's hand without even thinking of the consequence.

Deku hurriedly let's go of katsukis hand and just stood there, looking anywhere apart from katsuki. And yes. He was red as hell. What was he thinking?! Why would he even do that-?! I mean. He would be lying if he were to say that it didn't feel nice. Katsukis hand was warm, enough for it to cool off his cold one.

Kat:"whatever. .let's just go. ."

Katsuki had walked pass him. Deku let's a sigh out. The mood was going so good and he had to ruin it! Great! (This is perfect!. perfect, perfect-!, PERFECT!- love u if u get this)

He mentally slapped himself and followed behind katsuki.

'I'll just have to make another mood then!'

As deku was busy following katsuki from behind, while thinking of a plan on what to do to be able to get that mood to come back, katsuki on the other hand was blushing a little.

He was thankful that deku was walking behind him. This way, that stupid nerd couldn't see how flushed he was. And a little sad that he let go of katsukis hand. .

Fuck. .

He wasn't sad! He wasn't! He was actually about to punch that fucker for holding his hand! Yeah! That was what he was about to do before the nerd turned around.

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