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Just like in the show, Akshu found Abhi's location through the help of Dr Rohan and reached there. They end up getting wet in the rain and walking to whatever place it was 😂 to get shelter. Part 2 continues from there. I am not going to go into detail about how Akshu found Abhi. It is all according to the show so I will start with them sitting in that hut, building, what it is called okay!

Here you go!

Part 2

Both of them were sitting in silence, their minds racing with a thousand thoughts. Both wanted to share their innermost thoughts, but neither could seem to find the right words. It was as if everything had lost its meaning at that moment.

Tired is an understatement for Abhi. He was beyond tired. He has finally succumbed to the pain, anger, and taunts which were carelessly thrown in his house. There was never peace in his home however he tried hard to create a safe space for himself in that place called Birla Mansion. But now, it feels impossible to go back there. He just got rejected again for the umpteenth time by the person he loves the most in the world and stood for no matter what. Tears are forming in his eyes after remembering his mother throwing away the paper and yelling that she can't divorce that cheater of a husband. After all these, she still chose him.

"I feel so lonely Akshu," whispered Abhi slowly to her however his eyes were stuck on the fire that he put up cause Akshu started sneezing. 

Akshu looked up at Abhi. The shock was evident on her face because he finally said something after sitting there for more than 2 hours. The rain was not showing any signs of stopping anytime soon in addition, she could feel herself falling sick by the minute. But she didn't inform Abhi knowing that he would throw his pain away like always and worry about her.

She wanted to say many things to him. Begin with explaining herself, proving herself innocent in this chaos which was happening, explaining Manjari maa's point of view, and the consequences of deciding in haste. But she also knew that even if she tried explaining anything, it was going to go through his head. She wanted to know what was happening within his mind. Akshara knew that he was fighting a silent battle with his mind and heart. She wanted him to share with her what was wrong. She wants to be the shoulder that he could lean on when he is in distress and not become another battle that he has to fight.

"What made you say that?" asked Akshara softly.

This time Abhimanyu turned his head and looked at his wife. His wife, Akshara Birla. He kept looking at her and memorizing her features that seemed to be more defined due to the hues of fire to which she was sitting next to. She looked even smaller now, maybe because her clothes were drenched and were sticking to her like a second skin. Her face looked red and swollen due to crying. Her lips were trembling due to the cold wind. Her hair was wet and all over the place, yet she looked enchantingly beautiful. Realizing he was boring holes into her, he averted his gaze and looked around. The sky has gone black and dark due to the heavy rain. It didn't look like 5 pm but more like 11 pm right now. He sighed out loud while rubbing his face.

"It has not even been two weeks since they have gotten married, and they are this messed up. Forget about a honeymoon, Abhimanyu couldn't even take a day off to spend some time with his new bride. From the day they have gotten married, something was always happening. First, he had to go to the hospital, then the kheer issue, the day after was the anniversary and now this problem. They will never get a break from this never-ending dramatic family," he thought while rubbing the back of his neck, trying to soothe the pain there.

"It feels like I have got no one. Before you say that, you, Maa, Neil and your family are there. I will be honest with you. It feels like no one is on my side. Nobody understands why I am doing this. Neither anyone at home is listening to my point of view nor trying to understand it. It is getting tiring honestly. Watching that man destroy her dreams, taunting her for every small thing, talking down on her, and even hitting her. It has been happening for years now and I kept quiet because Maa has always stopped me from doing anything. But he had an affair and a baby from it. I will never blame Neil. He is the innocent one here. I would never blame him because he is also the victim here. The biggest one actually," Abhimanyu poured out his heart to his wife silently, hoping she would understand.

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