Chapter 20

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Jeon jungkook (real)

Days went by like air and a month passed by so easily now the admissions must have started if we get our admission done quickly it's better because later getting an admission becomes difficult

Tomorrow I will go back to Korea with Bam he has gotten more clingy with Lisa and her mom since he saw me packing he's smart dog he probably guessed we will leave

Now we are having dinner

Our last dinner together

"Son, would you mind if I burden you with something?" Aunty asked

"Not at all aunty! Whatever it is just order! It won't be a burden ever!" I said

She smiled lightly and said

"Well....Lisa will also do her college studies in Korea....but...I can't go back to Korea. I have gotten old and I want to stay here in Thailand where me and her dad have our memories, I want Lisa to go with you; please take her responsibility" aunt finished off

I looked at Lisa and she was in utter shock


"Lisa please, I am getting older and older day by day, I want to spend my time here with the memories of your father. Please honey? For mom?" Aunt said to convince Lisa

"I know mom but why can't you come with me or why don't I stay here?!" Lisa said I felt like a thorn went through my heart

"Lisa, I want you to complete your studies there in Korea there's a better study system please!" Aunt said

They talked like that for awhile I just kept quiet and looked down

Bam came towards me and rubbed his head on my leg

I smiled at him as he looked up at me

"So son, son?" I heard aunt I looked up and saw lisa looking defeated and aunt looking at me with concern

"You okay?" She asked me as I nodded

"Then do you agree to take the responsibility of my daughter?" She asked me

That sounds like something else-

I looked at Lisa and she just looked at me back

I couldn't read her expression

She closed her eyes then opened them

I looked back towards aunt and nodded

"I promise she won't face any difficulty in your absence" I said she smiled

Time skip after dinner

Jeon jungkook (real)

I was laying down on my bed bam was sleeping in the little basket which had a cousin on it and a fluffy blanket

I heard the window open

I sat up and saw Lisa

She came in my room took a chair and sat near the other window that gives the outside view as she looked at the stars

I got up and took a stool and also sat beside her

"Hey? You okay?" I asked her and she nodded then shook her head

"That's a yes or a no?" She just shrugged her shoulders

"You can tell me" she looked at me then a tear slid down her cheek making me panic

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