a new place

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(Set in 1x01, Derek is head of neuro, Meredith is a 2nd-year resident)
Meredith and Derek have been married for 2 years and moved to Seattle a few weeks ago.
"Der, wake up!" I nudge him. "We're going to be late!"
He finally wakes up. "Oh crap!" He jumps out of bed. He gets dressed. "Thanks for waking me up." He kisses my cheek.
"No problem, we do have to go though." I say while walking out of the trailer. "We don't want to be late for our first day." He says while getting into the car.
"Bye Derek, see you later." I kiss him on the cheek. "Bye Mer, I love you." He says while walking away.
I start walking to the residents locker room.
"Is that Meredith Grey!?" I hear a women say.
Turning around I see my best friend from college.
"Cristina Yang? When did you move to Seattle?" I say walking towards her. "I should be asking you that, I thought you were in New York," she says. "Derek got an offer her that he couldn't pass up and I was able to get my residency moved here," I answered. "Nice, I'll make sure to say hi to Derek."
"Ok, I'm going to go get changed for rounds, see you later Cristina," I head to the locker rooms again.
My first patient here at Seattle Grace is a young girl named Katie Bryce.
As I'm walking to Ms. Bryce's room, I can see the residents heading to round on her.
"Dr. Bailey, right?" I say approaching the shorter women.
"Yes, you are right Dr. Shepherd." She says turning her attention to me. "Everyone, this is our new attending Dr. Derek Shepherd, he is also the Head of Neuro," Bailey says to the group of residents.
I see Meredith waving at me, I wave back.
"Ok, what are we waiting for, let's go in."
Everyone walks in behind me.
"Dr. Grey, you're presenting," Dr. Bailey states.
I turn my attention to my wife.
(rounds go bye)
"Dr. Grey, you are on Shepherd's service" I hear Dr. Bailey say. I feel myself smile, knowing I get to work with her.
"Dr. Grey, please take Ms. Katie to CT, you will scrubbing in."
*Hours later*
(In the scrub room after the surgery)
"I love doing surgeries with you." I say while scrubbing out. "Well I love teaching you... here and at home." He says with the "flirty" smile he always does. I playfully slap his arm, "Not at the hospital, no one needs to know we're married."
"No one?" He asks.
"Well, not right now, I don't need my fellow residents thinking I'm getting special treatment." I sigh.
"You should tell them, before they find out." He said.
"We'll see..."
442 words

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