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Dear Diary,

Today is the 6 of April 2021.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT" I yell in my head.

Moaning. All I hear is moaning. That would normally be fine with me but I can hear . Nick moaning... Also a girl is moaning,
I know that Nick is bisexual but I didn't think he would be hooking up with some slut. I can't believe I'm going to do this.

I knock at the door.

"Who is it" Nick yells. "It's me" I yell back. "Give me a second". Says Nick

He opens the door. Shirtless. Only with a towel on. I don't know what is was doing but I rush in chucking my coat onto the sofa.

"What the fuck Nick."

"What do you mean 'What the fuck Nick."

"Before I open the door all I can hear is a slut moaning, where is this chick then. She's clearly hiding somewhere in here."I yell at him.

"Tha-." Nick tries to speak, I don't let him to.

"I thought I could trust you Nick!" I say while trying to find this woman. Well here she is.

She's- really pretty for Nick. I don't say anything. Not cause she's pretty because I'm shocked she's actually here.

"Umm..." She says. I finally snap out my day dream.

"Why you just sitting there for!" "Move you whore."

She runs out crying. It's what she deserves.

I walk to Nick slapping him around the face.

"Is this you're plan. To sleep with some hoe bag while I'm away in a place I call 'the shitty town' ! I say screaming.

"You're not even supposed to be here!" He yells.

"Oh I'm sorry for wanting to see my boyfriend while I'm having the hardest time of my life!" "I haven't eaten anything for 2 weeks I'm breaking down piece by piece, and I hear you moaning."

His mouth goes wide open.

"Char I'm- ."

"Don't you dare call me Char. I'm not your Char anymore cause you know why. I dump your ass."

"Please Charlie." He says while walking to me.

I push him away. "You know what Nick. You are just like Ben."

"No you can't say that to me Charlie"

"Yes I can Nick because you know why. You guys are just like twins." "Have a nice life without me you little fucker"

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