Our hate is our curse

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If he had been asked again what was the strongest thing in the world, he would have hesitated. He would have taken his time, he would have let his hand wander over the blood pack.
He would have remembered for a moment this indescribable feeling. Of the united rapid beating of their hearts. Which still beat for each other until the end.
He would have remembered the kisses and the love of the two their night together their sweet words and their duel. He would have remembered the brief movement of the blood pack, but from whom did the betrayal come?
Was it Albus who wanted to hurt Gellert because of the death of his sister Ariana. Or was it Gellert who wanted to hurt Albus to bind him to himself again, because what helps more than love and words than pain and love.
What he did know was that there was a short betrayal, but whether it came from the heart or was more of a consideration he didn't know.
But it was true that Gellert had never intended to hurt Albus because his promise to the Bloodpack was sincere. Even if he was glad now that he was older and knew that she had done it. That left them only the worry of losing the other from his feelings and not by a spell. Gellert knew that sooner or later a group of Albus would form to capture the most dangerous wizard.
But this still had time, there was much to do before that.
But to answer the question at the beginning, he would not have had a correct answer, but what he had as an answer was neither love nor power, it was hate.
It was night and Gellert was again on a train. A train that took him back to Durmstrang. A train towards the north of Germany to his wand master. To Mykew Gregorowitch, to whom he owed his wand. Gellert's look was no longer innocent, and he realized that he only had Albus to thank for the fact that no Aurors were after him. Which meant that the two Dumbeldore's weren't chasing him or Albus could calm his younger brother down. "Even now you protect me," Gellert thought, and a brief smile stole onto his lips before his hand wandered over the blood pack.
He could feel the magic from the vial and the soft beating of their hearts as it was united.
It was painful to remember, but that was in the past and yet Gellert knew he would never love anyone else. But it was unimportant for his next project, it would only hinder his plan. He shook his head slightly to get rid of his thoughts.

Before his gaze went out of the train window and watched the snow with obvious satisfaction. He felt his nerves tense. He was nervous that was good and bad which he was aware of himself.
But he was sure that as soon as he had the Elder Wand he would use his skills and his talent for manipulation to build his own army of followers of his conviction. With force one would be able to convince everything in case of need.
He heard the whistle of the train and it only seemed to get colder. The summer was over and only the love of the two was left and the corpse of Ariana.
Autumn came to the lands and covered everything in the orange red brown tones the colors of Albus hair. Gellert sighed at his thoughts of his lover but left it at that. He grabbed his bag before getting up and heading towards the doors that let him out when the train stopped.

No sooner said than done, the train slowed down and the magical passengers got up with him and went toward the door. Gellert, however, walked briskly through the magical masses before exiting at the station. Gellert retreated into the dark shadows so as not to attract more attention. Despite the fact that it was night, many magicians seemed to be busy.
However, Gellert was not interested in this, he paused and looked around one last time before he disappeared through the apparatus. He arrived silently near the wandmaker and he felt how excited he was. He was eighteen, an adult, but he did not feel like one. But Gellert knew he couldn't back out now, he had already planned too much. He took his wand and muttered "Cave Inimicum" before he melted into his surroundings and became invisible. But Gellert knew where he wanted to go, he knew it exactly, he had only been in the store a few times, but for his plan he knew everything again.

The wizards who were walking near the street did not see him. Gellert opened the door, which was locked at that hour, with an "Alohomora" and entered the store.
He closed the door behind him and his heart was pounding as he completely forgot about the bell above the store. It announced his visit and he stopped in his tracks. He stared into the darkness of the store and the shelves with the wands seemed almost threatening. But as he let the minutes pass and heard no sound of Mykew Gregorowitch waking up, he moved on through the store. It was dark, but his uneven eyes quickly became accustomed to the no less bright environment outside.
He went to the high shelves of wands and started looking for the wand.

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