I have always loved you ~ Part 1

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If you had asked him for the last time what he thought was the strongest, he would have paused. He would have let his uneven eyes wander and would have been stuck on the photo that stood on his desk.
He would have looked through their common past and would have gone into himself. He would have relived their moments in his mind. His first answer, that he didn't know, would have faded away, because he knew that hatred had its own strength.
But he also knew that power does not always come from a single person. It could also come from a group. Like the friends of the zoologist and the muggle. They were strong but only because they stuck together like a family. Their hearts beat in unison because they all loved each other as friends and family.
But he had ignored his own heart since he got his own weapon. For him there was no more Albus, there was only his dream, which was once one of two. Now there was only one thing for him to take the magical world on a political way, even if he would have accepted a war. But this war would still happen. He thought he was safe, he thought the blood pack was indestructible. But until the time when it should be so far and Gellert Grindelwald realized what is the strongest and he only lied to him, some time would pass.
Love, he thought, had left his heart and everything he did was for the greater good. But this lie that he believed so deeply would last until it broke. Just like his desire for a family. Of course he had one his army , Vinda , Queenie , Aurelius , Graves and many more in various places around the world.
But a family a husband like Albus he did not have and Credence which could have been also an image a son had faded away.
So to answer the three times asked question he would have to wait for the events...
It was sunset and Nurmengard was covered by the last rays of the planet. His face was cool and determined. His uneven eyes glanced out the large window as always, and he watched what was happening outside.
It had only been a few weeks since he had Aurelius with him and yet the boy ran through his fingers like sand. He respected him that was out of the question but the heart of the boy he could not take with his lies and words. Because someone else had already taken this place. Knowingly, his white eye fixed on the former Auror who stood next to Aurelius and gave him instructions on how to use magic. Percival Graves had his uses, Gellert admitted. However, since the ambush, which was partly his own fault, Graves had little real value to him. The otherwise only access to the MACUSA remained denied to them.

If Albus had not been there, he could have supported Graves, but he had not. Now he needed Graves only as a further stable someone with power who fought for him and was not to be underestimated. And he needed him to train Aurelius because the boy was so indescribably powerful that he himself could not estimate the total power he carried. Initially, it was only simple spells that even a second and third grader could have learned at Hogwarts. This worked out relatively well and Graves continued to build the broken boy up and lovingly nurse him back together after an outburst. Gellert didn't have the patience for that, he just expected results and nothing more. He needed to know how far he could bend Aurelius before he broke and Graves had to put him together. Or how far you can destroy the heart until love prevails.
He hated their relationship he was jealous and he hated it. The two had found each other and he alone allowed them to continue to exist. But his own love had left him which was a sweet pain.
His uneven eyes watched the lovers with disgust as Graves stroked Aurelius' hand, knowing full well that this was not necessary for the spell but only a gesture of love.

Moving away from the window to the courtyard, his footsteps echoed in the castle before the door to the large courtyard opened and he stepped out.
It was relatively cool and it seemed that the two of them did not want to practice outside for too long. However, since it was impossible to judge exactly how strong and how well Aurelius could handle his staff and his obscurial, they kept the training outside as much as possible.
Graves was the first to notice him and gave him a loyal look of greeting before saying something in Aurelius' ear and giving him a quick chaste kiss on the temple. ,, Hello Aurelius, how is your training going?" came the sweet words of Gellert who let his talent work. But it seemed that his dark intentions behind his uneven eyes were recognized.

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