Ch. 11

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Miranda woke up staring at the ring that she and Ben went to pick out together after they left the park yesterday. Ben kept whining because he wanted to give her a more romantic proposal and surprise her but Miranda kept reassuring him that she didn't need all of that. As Miranda continued to stare at her ring and grin, she felt Ben move and within an instant Ben was kissing her shoulder and wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Good morning beautiful. How did you sleep?" He asked in a raspy deep voice that she loved.

Miranda turned in his arms to face him, "I slept well being in your arms," Miranda replied.

"Tuck comes back today," Ben said casually.

"I know....and I don't want you to we can talk to him today. He will be excited anyway because he likes you," Miranda said.

Ben's eyes lit up and he kissed her lips before getting up for work. Miranda sat in her office as usual looking at documents and checks from the manufacturer of the trailblazer. She thought about the reason she even made the device in the first place and she had to admit that she missed surgery but she was enjoying taking time off for herself before going back to work.

Miranda was brought out of her thoughts when she saw how much her ring was glistening and it made her smile. The day went by quickly and soon the doorbell rung and she knew that it was her son and his father. Miranda left the kitchen and went to answer the door.

"Hey mom," Tuck greeted Miranda with a hug before walking pass to his bedroom.

"Hey Miranda," Tucker greeted.

"Tuck, you're not going to say bye to your father?" Miranda yelled.

"See you next week dad," Tuck yelled down the stairs.

"So Tuck told me that you have a friend that you met on vacation and he just so happens to live in Seattle," Tucker came out and said.

"Yeah, well he's much more than a friend. He is actually moving in and we were going to have dinner and tell Tuck tonight. Tuck seems to like him and he is already enamored with Tuck so it's going to work well."

"Well I don't mean to be in your business, I know you haven't dated since we divorced so I'm glad you finally found someone," Tucker expressed.

"Oh I've had many sex partners since we've been divorced Tucker Jones. I just had no reason to share what was going on with my love life," Miranda said in a sassy manner.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. But genuinely I'm glad, Tuck did say he seemed like a great guy."

"He really is and I'm excited for the life we're going to build together."

"Well I have to go, just make sure me and my wife get invited to the wedding," Tucker joked.

Miranda eyes got big because he mentioned a wedding and she totally forgot that she had her engagement ring on. "Will do," she yelled before closing the door.

Miranda was cooking dinner when she heard the front door open. She almost forgot that she gave Ben a key. "Miranda," Ben called out as he came around the corner.

"Hey Benjamin," Miranda said sweetly seeing the flowers in his hand.

"Hey Miranda," Ben said kissing her lips.

"Do you want some help cooking dinner?" Ben asked.

"No, but you can go get ready and then we will talk to Tuck about everything. And plus dinner is almost done."

Ben quickly got ready for dinner so that he could help Miranda with whatever anyway. She rolled her eyes and smiled as he walked around grinning, setting the table and stirring the pots. When dinner was ready and the table was set, Miranda walked to the stairs and called Tuck.

"Tuck baby, come down for dinner."

Tuck raced down stairs and ran into the dining room. "Hey Ben," Tuck said excited.

"Hey Tuck! How was your day?"

"It was good, I had school which went well."

"Tuck can you say grace and then we can continue talking," Miranda said.

"Lord we thank you for this food and bless the hands that prepared it in Jesus name amen."

They began to eat dinner and Miranda smiled as she watched Ben and Tuck talk as if it was a normal thing. It let her know that him moving in and then getting married would be an easier transition than she thought.

"Tuck, Ben and I have something that we want to talk to you about?"

"Mom I already know that Ben is more than just your friend," Tuck said matter of factly.

Ben and Miranda looked at each other and chuckled a little. "Yes Tuck I am more than your mom's friend, a lot more."

"Ben will be moving in with us, how do you feel about that?" Miranda shared.

"I think that it will be cool having Ben here. We can do so much stuff and have so much fun," Tuck beamed.

"Wow Tuck it makes me happy that you're excited because I'm excited too. I have so many plans for us since we're becoming a family. And I realize I should've asked you before I did what I did," Ben said.

"What did you do Ben?" Tuck asked making the same stern face Miranda made at times.

"I asked your mom to marry me but I hope you're are okay with that. I've never met anyone like her and I've never fell in love with anyone before your mother. I can't imagine living my life without her and I'm excited to live it with the both of you if you're okay with it," Ben expressed.

Miranda was nervous as she watched Tuck just stare at them as if he was pondering something. "I've never seen my mom in love and I've also never seen her as happy as she is with you around Ben. Okay well maybe other than with me around but still. You two kiddos have my blessing to get married," Tuck said and Ben and Miranda laughed.

The trio finished dinner then ate some ice cream and cookies while watching a movie before bed. Miranda stood in the bathroom mirror with a black and purple, floral night gown on. She was doing her skincare routine when Ben walked up behind her with no shirt and some black boxers on. Ben wrapped his arms around her waist as he kissed her neck.

"Tonight went so well, I was nervous about how Tuck would respond to so much new, life changing news," Ben said.

"Yeah I was nervous too but it went perfect and now we're here together."

"And we get to plan our wedding and be a family. I know he's almost 14 but I'm so excited to get to play a role in his life. It's even better that he wants that for us," Ben shared.

"Yes and even though his dad and I do a great job co-parenting, I'm excited to give him a two parent home again. I think thats what is exciting to him, along with the fact that he likes you."

Miranda finished her skincare routine and turned around in Ben's arms. "Now we can go to bed Benjamin Warren," Miranda said with a smile.

They got in bed and Miranda quickly scooted back into Ben's body and he wrapped his arms tightly around her.

"Oh my gosh I get to experience this almost every night for the rest of my life," Miranda said in a giddy tone.

"I was thinking the same thing," Ben said in a relaxed voice as he nuzzled his face into her neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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