what do i say this time..? (5)

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Doctors POV:

I sat there until she was calmed down. She was pale and shaking.


she didn't reply.

"jules..?" she still didn't respond. it did say on her medical report, she dissociated a lot- especially in situation like this.

dissociation- (meaning):

Our bodies seem to want to protect us when our environments -or even our own heads sometimes- feel too scary to sit with. It is a way of disconnecting ourselves from the triggers that are making us feel unsafe or out of control.

Dissociation feels different for every person. Sometimes, it feels like being in control of your own actions and your own body, and feel like your in a dream. Nothing around you feels real, even if you logically know it is truly happening. It is like watching your life happen around you, but being more dead than you are alive.

When people come out of these dissociative episodes, people often don't remember what happened during the episode, and sometimes are disoriented about where they currently are. The aftermath of a dissociative episode can bring up panic, fear, embarrassment and many other feelings.

It is scary watching a friend, family member or loved one experience these episodes. You may feel helpless, scared or unsure of what to do. If you notice that your loved one is spacing out, staring at the wall, not speaking, suddenly withdrawn, has a delayed reaction time, is complaining of "not feeling real," etc., your loved one may be dissociating.

tips on how to help-
•take them to a safe space
•dim the lights- eliminates overstimulation
•lower your voice, never be loud or scream
•take them outside- sometimes it can be helpful for them, so they don't feel trapped.
•use physical touch:
-rubbing back
-hugs (if ok to do so)
•seek help from trusted others if needed :)

okay, that was just some tips on how to deal with dissociation. now let's get back to the story!

(doctor's POV still):

Standing up, I headed toward the door and dimmed the lights and shut the door slowly. Sitting back down, Jules was still staring blankly at the bed sheets.

"Hey Jules, i know things may not feel really at the moment," i lowered my tone a bit lower than before," but your safe and im Dr.Tom and im here to help you".


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