Part Three

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Going back to work was actually an easier task than Travis thought. When the whole pipeline explosion incident happened, he was anxious about everything to do with work because of what had happened. He basically didn't work from the day after it happened to about a week after Vic had been discharged from the hospital because he needed to make sure that nothing was going to happen to her whilst he was working because he knew how fast someone with an unstable heart could deteriorate.

That, and the fact he was scared something was going to happen to him too, like something happened to Dean, and he'd leave his boyfriend just like Michael had left him. And that Vic would have well and truly lost everyone in her life.

But something felt different about him returning to work this time. Maybe it was the fact that Vic was completely okay. But it was mostly because Theo was nowhere near 19. The usual morning anxiety that once plagued him, which almost stopped him from going to work at one point, was gone. And it was all because Theo wasn't going to be there.

He felt so free and he was so ready to actually go back and feel safe at work.

He just needed Vic there too.

"Hey, I've got breakfast for you," Travis knocked on Vic's bedroom door and waited until he heard her move around so he could go in. "You were craving cereal yesterday so I quickly went out to the store and got you some of your favourite." He handed the bowl to her and smiled.

"You're in a good mood this morning," Vic observed as she sat up and started to eat the cereal. "You feeling okay about work today?"

"Strangely, yeah." He nodded. "I really wanna go back. I just wish you were there too."

Vic sighed as she continued eating. "Yeah, well, Doctor Lincoln said everything is healing as it's supposed to be, so I should be back in no time."

After the meeting they had with Chief Ross that Monday, the post-op appointment was very smooth-sailing. She had a quick exam with Doctor Webber who was very satisfied that her abdomen was healing just fine. Vic was anxious the most for Doctor Lincoln to look at her leg, so after she had an x-ray and answered some questions from the doctor, and was told that everything was healing fine and was on the track of not needing another surgery, she felt instantly better. And so did Travis. It could have been so much worse.

Travis looked at his watch. "Oop, it's time for me to go now." He kissed Vic's cheek before walking over to the door. "I'll call you later in the day?"

"Yeah, okay." She nodded. "And I'll be here all day anyway if you're feeling anxious or anything."

"You're too kind to me." He placed his hand on his chest jokingly.

"Yeah, I know." She smiled proudly. "Stay safe."

"I will."

It had been three weeks since Travis had gone back to work, and it was safe to say, he was thriving. He woke up in a good mood every time a shift started, bringing Vic breakfast and not feeling the anxiety he did once feel waking up for shift before Vic got injured.

Vic really noticed the change in her best friend and she was so happy he was starting to get out of the bad place he had fallen into.

Over the past few days, she had been getting so many texts from Theo, asking how she was, or if he could come over and see her. Vic either didn't read the messages, or she'd use an excuse to get out of seeing him, because really, she didn't want to see him. It wasn't a coincidence that Travis was feeling better because he hadn't actually seen Theo properly in weeks, and the fact they weren't at the same station. It was that realisation that he was doing better because Theo wasn't in her life that led her to realise she probably needed to re-evaluate her relationship.

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