An awkward reunion: part 1

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In the streets of New York city, A man with a tiger scratch on his cheek was running down the dark alleyway as someone or something was chasing him. A figure watching from above on the roof of a building next to the alleyway. The figure growling baring its sharp teeth looking down at the man with hatred. The figure jumped down from the building and the man turned to the figure.

"Where is the file?'' the figure says quietly but angrily as its dark golden eyes glow in the shadows.

"Stay away from me you freak." The man screamed at the figure who was hiding in the shadows.

The figure took a few steps forward, causing the man to start running right into the figure's trap. The man ran into a chain resulting in the chain wrapping around him tightly, bounding him. The figure jumped over the man landing a few feet away from him. Turning to face the man the figure says.

"I wouldn't struggle if I were you, the chains will only get tighter."

"What do you want from me, you freak?!" The man screamed at the figure trying to sound intimidating but sounding more scared.

The figure stepped out of the shadows revealing a medium sized female tiger with her arms crossed. She was wearing a purple scarf, a black suit with white stripes designed on it, gloves on her paws, a silver belt wrapped around her waist and some sort of black tiger mask covering her face except a little of her mouth.

"Where's the file that you supposed to deliver to your master.'' The tigress asks her tone, getting angrier.

"I'll never tell you!" The man screamed, trying to get out of chains not noticing the file falling out his inside jacket pocket right where the tigress could get it.

"You just did." The tigress says as she picks up the file and looks in it.

"My master is going to wonder where I am, and he will have someone look for me." The man says trying to scare the tigress. The tigress only responded by closing the file then looked at the man.

"Debatable." The tigress says quietly "true you master will wonder where you are, and he will send someone else to look for you. But not to find you. He'll have someone look for this." The tigress says holding up the file. The man tries to escape the chains only for them to get tighter.

"Master Saiko will get you for this!" Man screamed as falls to knees because of the chains tightening around his legs. The tigress looked down at the man.

"Believe me I know Saiko very well and I know he only sees his men as his slaves. nothing more." The tigress growls.

The man glares up at the tigress and says, "who are you?" The tigress grabbed the chain and pulled the man up on feet and growled.

"You may call me hunter." After Hunter introduced herself, she heard the police sirens coming from the distance. Hunter dropped the chain, letting the man fall to the ground and turned to leave before she said, "Do not worry where you're going, he won't be able to get to you." With those final words she made her way on to the top of a building

(Hunter POV)

Hunter watched as the cops took the criminal in their car and drove away. "Anata kare kara hanareta keimusho de anzendesu" Hunter watched the car drive away.

Hunter turned and ran towards hell's kitchen, the bad part of town somewhere Hunter knew he would never look. Hunter stopped at an old, abandoned building. She climbed up the building onto the roof and duck inside.

The room was dark but thanks to her night vision Hunter was able to find the power switch. The light went on to reveal a room that looks similar to a superheroes' lair you see in comic books. Weapons on the walls, a bolted board with lead on it, computer monitors, high-tech gadgets.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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