Chapter 9: Keep Watch For Doors

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That morning, Ciel had woken himself up long before Sebastian entered the room. He shot up out of the bed and jerked the covers off of his legs violently. He was determined to get back to Alois as soon as possible.

He couldn't understand what had gotten into him or why he was so eager to reach the blonde boy, but he felt the need to be with him. Ciel felt like Alois needed him to be there by his side. The blunette wanted to protect him.

By the time Sebastian had his gloved hand on the handle of the door, Ciel was dressed and ready, on his way out the door. He'd dressed himself... surprisingy well. Watching Sebastian do it for years must have really paid off.

Sebastian opened the door to his master standing there on the other side, dressed and ready.

"Young Master... did you... wake and dress yourself?"

Ciel nodded confidently, grunting just a little bit.

"Yes, did you think I wasn't capable of this?"

He scoffed lightly, giving the butler a glare.

"Come on now, we don't have all day. "

As the earl pushed him aside and walked past him down the corridor, Sebastian stood there with his mouth open in utter shock. He shook his head and got some of his sense back before turning around and following his master, close behind. His eyes were still wide, not knowing what to think or say.

Young Master... What is going on with you? First you're... acting all tender with that blonde brat, then you're snapping at me for mentioning it, then you're making plans to go back to Trancy as soon as possible... and now... this?! You're getting prepared in the morning by yourself, even waking yourself up? That's my job... and you should know that...

Sebastian's crimson eyes were narrowed angrily, staring right through the back of his young master's head. His chest had a burning sensation in it, he was boiling with anger on the inside. If Ciel kept this up... Sebastian didn't know how long he could take it before he exploded.


Back at Trancy, the blonde earl sat in a chair as the maid behind him brushed his platinum hair to a tee so it didn't look like so much of a mess. It was a struggle to tame the blonde beast that sat atop the boy's head. They'd tried multiple different ways of getting that pesky cowlick to stay down, but it never would stay in place. So Hannah just let the stubborn locks do what they wished, she wouldn't argue with them anymore. Today he was dressed in his usual shorts, tall socks, and boots, but Hannah decided to change the top half of his outfit up a bit. He had on a cream-colored dress shirt with a more open collar than the one he usually wore and a thinner black ribbon around his neck, almost giving him a more feminine appearance. He'd ditched the jacket and the vest for the day, all those clothes on him during the summer only made him sweaty and hot.

Alois swung his legs joyfully, excited thoughts running through his head and making his heart thump as quick as it could. His mouth was going a mile a minute as well, going on and on about Ciel.

"Hannah! When is he going to be here? Soon? I wanna see him already. Do you think he's on his way? Do you... do you think he forgot?"

Alois's excited face then became terrified as he whipped his head around and away from the hairbrush to face the maid the best he could. He was practicing looking at people when he talked now, hoping it would please Ciel.

"You don't think he forgot, do you?"

Hannah simply chuckled, gently pushing his master's face forward again so that she could continue to brush his hair.

"He would never forget about you, Danna-sama. After all, he is your friend, isn't he? What kind of friend would forget something like that?"

Alois's face slowly faded back into a smile, a little blush creeping up onto the soft skin of his cheeks.

"You're right... I'm just being silly. Ciel wouldn't forget about me..."

Alois let out a little giggle as he covered his face up with his hands, hiding his face from the maid's.

Hannah was absolutely overjoyed that Ciel's friendship made the blonde this happy. She doubted that lord Phantomhive actually did like Alois as a lover... she knew good and well how good of a little actor and liar the blunette was. He had a cold heart and the tendency to lie as much as he could if it benefitted himself. Although... the way he looked at Alois, the way he acted... Hannah had never seen him act like that before. If the little rumor really was true... The maid could only imagine how happy her little Alois would be. That's really all she wanted... she wanted him to be happy. She wanted him to be happy for as long as he could be, and she'd do anything to keep a smile on his face... because she loved Alois. She loved him like a child. And she would make sure to keep him happy, she would make sure to let him know that he was loved. No matter what it took.

"Alright, I think we've got your hair in order... for the most part."

Hannah let out a little laugh, setting the hairbrush down and reaching forward to remove the blonde's hands from his face, leaning close to him and holding tightly onto his hands.

"Now then... let's go wait at the door, shall we?"

Alois gave a quick nod and stood up from the chair. The moment he was back on his feet, he heard three knocks on the wooden door at the entrance boom through the corridor. The area was so big that knocks on the door echoed through the whole manor and you could hear if a visitor arrives from anywhere in the manor. Alois gasped and pranced towards the exit of the room, only to be greeted by the door. A loud thud. And then by the floor. He laid there on the floor with a blank look on his face, wondering what in the world had gone wrong.

Hannah brought her hand up to her face, sighing slowly.

"Danna-sama... You have to open the door first."

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