PORT 3..

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Basil left Rollind with Rita, who was currently writhing in pain.. Basil rushed out of his mansion and followed the only set of footprints leading away from his mansion. After reaching the end of the trail he Basil saw Rolli.. Talking with RIAMU YUMEMI FROM BOB'S CINDERELLA GIRLS BURGER(S??)!?! Basil was infuriated.. Why were all of these girls trying to take Rolli away from him..? What was so special about him?? Well yes; Basil loves Rolli deeply.. But.. These girls would NEVER love Rolli the same way Basil could. What did THEY even think that they saw in him to where they could act like they loved Rolli more than Basil could ever love Rolli..? Basil was so fed up!! Why wouldn't Rolli pay attention to him?? Why we're these ugly girls he probably met on the side of the street more Important than their date at MacDonalds?? Why we're they more important than HIM? Basil just saw them all as ugly trashy hoes who only find intrest in those gross fortnite players.. And that's when it hit him. Rolli was that last fortnite player.. The best of the best.. The only man who could make more people do the floss than ninja that one time for like new years 2018 (I think..). But.. Basil loved Rolli too much to ever "eradicate" him.. Whatever should he do??..
Soon enough, Basil had a plan.. He'd just kidnap Rolli and teach him a lesson. After that, he was sure Rolli would NEVER touch that trashy game from grimy little white boys again. Basil's unfinished plan was foolproof; well, it would be if he knew how to teach him a lesson.. He wouldn't be able to kick him in the ovaries like he did with Rita.. Though he loves to head cannon Rolli to have OVARIES.. After a few good hours of Basil standing there.. Staring at Rolli and Riamu who also happened to just stare at each other.. Basil had a PERFECT idea; he'd tie Rolli to a chair do that little thing they did in American Horror Story where they like,, pin his eyelids open and force him to watch the 3D music video for U.S.A by CRAZY:B & UNDEAD from the hit game Ensemble*Stars ! !
Basil then sprung into action, dragging Rolli kind of slowly back to his mansion, which was honestly pretty slow. But it's not like anyone would help Rolli anyways, everyone just kinda stood there and watched.. It's not like they could do anything anyways 🙄once they got down to Basil's evil huge basement that used to be inhabited by the Queen of England (me :3) until she died. Basil ordered the entire set from American Horror Story and set Rolli up in it. Rolli was screaming for help but nobody could really help.. Who knew Basil was working with Gru from despicable me 3
Anyways part for in 20 hours

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