Chapter 1 Leaving It All Behind

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Chapter Text
An explosion could be heard in the background as Kirishima bolted from the side of the school building. Running alongside him to his left was Denki, with Midoriya on his right. Bakugou, taking up the rear, creating explosions as he went, to keep a cover of smoke around them. He heard shouts telling him to stop but he just ignored them opting to pick up his pace instead.

It took awhile, but finally the four made it to the front of the building towards the entrance. Just as he thought they were home free, he was tackled from behind. His body slamming to the ground as the person on top of him pinned him down. It was only for a brief moment however as another explosion could be heard, but instead of behind him it was directly above him, causing the person on top of him to jump away as to not get injured.

Before he could get up, hands were wrapping around his torso, bringing him up with ease.

'Why! Why are you going with them?!' A voice called. And although he couldn't see who was shouting due to the smoke, he knew.

"I won't abandon them! Not like you did!" He screamed back. The smoke having cleared enough to now see the person standing at a distance.

Aizawa was quiet then, seeming to consider his next words carefully.

'We...- I didn't want to abandon them. I had no choice. They're villains, Kirishima. You can't possibly support them.'

"I-.... I won't leave them. Not now. Not ever. I'm sorry Mr. Aizawa, really I am. But I've made my choice. If you want them you'll have to go through me."

Before any more words could be exchanged, a hand grabbed onto his. Pulling him into a sprint towards the front entrance. He took one final look behind him, seeing his now former teacher just standing there, not giving chase. As he let the day's events wash over him, he came to the conclusion that this was the only way. The only way he could stay with them. With the three people he cared for most.


They'd been running for miles away from the school, Bakugou leading the way, still holding his hand as they ran. As he felt the fatigue of constant running start to weigh him down, Bakugou suddenly stopped. Causing him to almost fall if it hadn't been for Midoriya catching the back of his shirt, lifting him back into a standing position.

After getting his bearings, he took a moment to look around, realizing they were now in a forest with thick trees circling around them.

Realizing Bakugou had let go of his hand, Kirishima looked around to see where the other had gotten off to. It only took a second for him to focus on spikey blonde hair as it moves further into the trees.

"Where are we?" He asks to no one in particular.

'In the woods of course.'

"I get that, Kami. I mean where in the woods are we?"

'A small hideout, we made in case we got found out. It's close enough to run to and far enough to where no one would find it." Midoriya answers, starting to look around himself.

'Found it!' Bakugou calls, gesturing for the others to come over as he takes off the branches.

"Is that a car?!" Kirishima half shouts, looking at what seemed to be a small black car hidden under vines and branches.

'Cool right?' Denki snickers, making his way over to the vehicle, Midoriya in tow.

"Do any of you even know how to drive?" He asks, walking over to the car.

'Course I do. Well not legally but it's not like that matters now.' Bakugou answers, getting into the driver's seat, as Midoriya takes the front passenger side. Leaving the two back seats for Kaminari & himself.

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