Chapter 2 Rest Stop

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At some point, Kirishima had managed to fall asleep while the others quietly conversed on what to do next.

"Is this really a good idea? Midoriya questioned in a low tone, hoping one of the other two would be able to give him some kind of answer.

'Honestly, I'm not sure... I'm glad we can all be together but at what cost. He's not like us. Kaminari replied, voice low as to not wake the subject of their conversation.

'I'm worried too but there's no going back now. For now all we can do is keep him safe. I'm more concerned about how *they* will react to this.' Bakugou said, glancing at Midoriya before returning his eyes to the road.

".. I'll speak to him. If he agrees *they* can't do anything." Midoriya says, sighing as he did.

'We have about two more hours before we get there, get some sleep while you can, you'll be taking the first watch tonight.'

"Sure Kacchan." Midoriya replies, leaning back to hopefully get a couple of hours of sleep.

'You too, dunce face.'

'Sure, but we're not at UA anymore, stop calling me that. Kaminari huffs out, laying back as well.

'Yeah, Yeah. Sorry Ki.'

And with that, Kaminari & Midoriya fell asleep, hoping they'd be able to get some before all hell breaks loose again.


Soft shaking is what woke Kirishima up as the sound of rain hit the car windows. Opening his eyes slowly he saw that it was Midoriya who was shaking him.

'Hey sleepyhead, we've arrived.' The green haired boy said softly, not wanting to startle the other.

"Oh? Ok. Umm, just how far away are we?" He asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes to get a better look at his surroundings.

'A few miles outside of the city, we'll rest here and then get back on the road. Now come on, you can continue sleeping once inside.' Midoriya replied, helping him out of the car.

Walking a few steps away from the vehicle, Kirishima noted just how isolated this place was. There were no trees to be seen at all. Instead just dusty ground for what seemed like miles. Only a few broken buildings could be seen. Was this supposed to be a town? Kirishima thought, wondering why everything looked either broken or abandoned.

Realizing he must have spaced out, he hurried to catch up to the others who had been moving towards one of the buildings.

Well, it could be worse. He thought. At least we're not sleeping outside.


He was wrong. Oh so very wrong. Outside might actually be the better option. The minute he had stepped in the building he wanted to leave. Rot and mold covered almost every wall. And the building itself looked like it would come crashing down if he even took one step. The others however did not seem to care about the state of this... house? No... store? Ah whatever it was. And that fact greatly shook him. Leading with that feeling he decided to ask.

"Are you guys sure it's safe in here? Like this looks kinda uhh..." he trailed off, not finding the right words to describe just how broken the place looked.

'It'll be fine shitty hair. We've been here before, don't worry.' Bakugou called back, leading the group into a larger room.

'Ki, go get our supplies from the storage closet. Kacchan I need you to start the security system I put in place last time.' Midoriya ordered, all while looking down at his tablet that he had brought from the car.

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