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Kala's Pov:

  *Beep Beep Beep* I'm startled awake, by the sound of my brothers obnoxiously loud alarm. "Kala" "Kala" I hear in a very loud voice. "Yes?" I answer back. My brother Kilo bursts through my door. "Hey mom said to get your butt up." Kilo says smirking. "Remember its packing dayyyyy" he says in a sing-songy voice. "Yes I am aware" I reply. I knew it was packing day, well our final packing day, before we hit the road, and board the plane, all the way to Australia. Far, yeah I know. 

My brother leaves my room, as soon as my mother gives him a hard glare. One that sends a clear message to leave me be and get to packing, or else. She smiles softly as she glances at me. She knows this is hard. Especially hard on me. I start to sit up, and stretch, might as well get ready, seeing as there is no room to argue.

"I know this is hard, sweetie." My mom says, sending me sympathetic smiles. "Yeah, I know" I say. We've been over this, and she won't budge. 'Its better for us, for all of us.' She'll say. It probably is, I mean she knows more than me.

It's just hard. She gives me a kiss before leaving me alone. Once everything is quiet for a moment, I sigh. I give my beautiful room one last glance, and look back toward the rest of the boxes. I have four left to pack. They're the ones I've been dreading to. 

The memories, the happiness, the life I will leave behind here, are all going into that box. The trophies, the pictures, the scents, and the sand. As much as I love the reminiscing 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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