The Slums

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Something slammed on the table next to your head and you shot up, instantly getting into a defensive position as you tried to figure out where you were,

"Chill out (Y/n). You're safe. It's the middle of the day, people are gonna start coming in soon so I had to wake you up." The bartender said as he looked at you worriedly.

Instantly breathing a sigh of relief, you sat back on the stool you had made your bed for the night, "Sorry, I'll head out. Thank you again." you slipped two coins out of your pocket and left them on the bar top before heading through the tunnel and up to the surface.

You absentmindedly thumbed the piece of paper that had the two women's names written down from last night. You felt anger rise through you again and you had half a mind to go back and stab the corpses again, but that'd risk connecting you to the crime and they weren't worth that.

Emerging into the sunlight, you realized it really was midday and you set off to an alley hidden off of a very sparsely traveled road. Pulling loose a brick towards the back, you found a small stash of gold coins stacked neatly on top of one another. You pulled about 10 of them out, returned the brick, and checked your surroundings to make sure no one else had seen you move or retrieve anything.

Stuffing the coins in your pocket, you turned right out of the alley and prayed you remembered how to get where you were going.

After a few painful mis-turns and a fit of anger that left a barrel overturned in an alley, you ended up in front of a simple looking townhouse on the nicer side of town.

You replaced your usual clothes for the attire of a laborer and stashed your old ones behind another loose brick in the alley beside the house.

Glancing around, you knocked twice on the door and waited, shifting your weight from foot to foot.

A well-dressed but old woman opened the door and looked at you in surprise, "We're not the charitable type so if you're expecting any mon-"

"The flowers bloom wonderfully in the country." You said cutting her off, already annoyed at her assumption of you.

Her face flooded red in embarrassment as she stepped into the doorway, "My apologies. Right this way."

You ignored her, knowing exactly where you were going, and ended up in the doorway of a study. The dark bookcases framed every wall and rose up multiple stories, with a desk in the center of the room, a glass window behind it. Sitting in the chair was another old woman, who smiled when she realized you were standing there.

"My dear (Y/n), its been so long since I've last seen you." The old woman rose to her feet, revealing the expensive and embroidered dress she was wearing and came over to hug you.

"It has Madam Norve, and I sincerely apologize. Work has left me busy and this is the only time I could find to visit you."

She smiled and pulled back to look at your face, "Well I'd bet. Work in the factories has to be tiring, especially for a pretty young lady like you."

Madam Norve, although a woman lacking in common sense, was one of the most important people you had built a connection to in recent years. Of course, she was aristocracy and couldn't know of your real job, but she always had taken pity on the weak and poor so you felt as if there was value in sticking around her.

She was also in charge of citizen data.

"It's rough but the pay is well." You returned her smile and gave her a silver coin, "If you could be so kind as to help me though..."

She took the coin and placed it on her desk, gesturing for you to take a seat in one of the dark green upholstered chairs in front of the desk, "What do you need my dear?"

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