A Kings Captivation

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Iliyas had spent the better half of the morning attending meetings and signing paperwork for any number of things. He had began to lose count and just signed whatever Solon thrust toward him.

Then there was the matter of diplomacy to discuss with the Southern kingdom and their less than happy response to Iliyas request for more trade lines. He had a diplomat coming to the castle in a few days that he would have to appease.

After all was said and done, he was left in his room to reflect and think about what had happened.

He had been approached last night by men who wouldn't give their names to him and in ones arms was the woman. He had been shocked at first and demanded that all three be placed in cells, but a note arrived explaining everything.

Let her be a symbol of peace between us and the start of a new power. Do with her what you want, she is of no use to us. Her real name is (Y/n) (L/n). She has no living family because of the slaughter 10 years ago and has been under our care ever since. She is the one who assassinated your parents. We only wish to negate animosity between The Order and the crown and may we work together closely in the coming years. Long live King Iliyas,

~The Order

Iliyas had felt almost cheated out of something as he agreed to the deal, but the fact that the woman was in his custody thrilled him.

He had sent Kaiyan with the explicit rules that he could not harm her more than once and to watch over her until she woke up; So she wouldn't be worried.

He had been pacing his rooms and glancing out the window for what felt like hours as he debated going down to see her himself. He felt nervous at the thought of meeting her and upon realizing it, almost laughed.

I feel nervous to meet my parents' murderer? How interesting.

Something felt off whenever he thought of her and it had begun to scare him slightly. She captivated his dreams and he could imagine her almost everywhere he went, taunting him with her smile.

A knock came from the door and Iliyas had enough time to look up before someone came crashing through the door onto the floor.

Kaiyan stepped over the person and raised his hand in a greeting, "She woke up."

Iliyas straightened his back as he stared down at the mess of a person on his carpet, "I see."

The woman raised her head and looked at Kaiyan in pure anger, "I have two feet that work perfectly fine you bastard."

"Please forgive me (Y/n). I forgot."

She lunged for him and Iliyas cleared his throat coming towards her, "Hello (Y/n). I'm glad to see you're awake."

She seemed to freeze at his words and turned to look at him with a deadpan expression. "Unfortunately, your guard would not kill me."

Iliyas looked at her in a mixture of shock and nerves, "Haha yes well...I do prefer my subjects alive. I am King Iliyas, but you probably knew that."

"I am not your subject. If you gave me a knife I'd run you down and add more blood to your crown." She gave him a pointed look, her (e/c) eyes shining with promise.

"Come now, that wouldn't be very nice would it? I just want to meet you." Iliyas offered his hand to her. She stared at it, looked to Kaiyan who held such menace in his gaze that Iliyas was shocked himself, before she took his hand and sighed.

"Perfect. Now, would you like to sit on the balcony?" Iliyas guided her towards the doors and shoved them open with his shoulder and ushered her through.

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