Chapter 13: Clothes and stuff...

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I woke up to Cate's and Lou-Lou's eyes staring at me.  

"WHAT THE FREAKING FUDGE?!" I screamed sitting up.

They were standing at the end of my bed, they started laughing.

"See I told you this would be funny!" Lou-Lou said when she got her breath back.

"We are going shopping today! Be ready and down stairs in 15 minutes!" Cate told me a smile still on her face. 

"What if I'm not?" I asked wondering if I didn't.

"We'll get one of the boys to drag you down! Ready or not!" She said exiting the room. 

I turned to look at Lou-Lou who was still in the same position as before. 

"You better hurry up and shower, Tinker-Bell!" She said happily referring to the dress I was still wearing. 

"Cate isn't kidding," She continued, "your clothes have been washed and are in the closet!" 

She walked to the door. 

"And thankyou for saving me Alex." She said softly before closing the door. 

With that I was left to get ready. I groaned. 

After showering and doing all the morning stuff I was brushing my teeth when Eva walked into my bathroom. 

When I finished and tied my hair into a bun I turned to face Eva.

"Do I look Okay?" She asked me.

Eva was wearing pale blue jeans, grey flats, a cream shirt with 'Awesomeness' written on it and her hair in a ponytail. She looked awesome.

"You look like an awesome smurf!" I said.

She beamed at me and said, "I'm here to remind you that you have five minutes and you look as cool as when I first met you." 

I laughed realising I was wearing the same thing I was wearing when I met her. We walked downstairs and I heard a crash come from I think it may have been the kitchen. 

Eva sighed, "Not again."

When we walked into the large kitchen I saw Jacqui, Cate, Jagger, and Ash having a food fight. 

"Where is everyone else?" I asked Eva.

"Probably at the table." She replied dodging an egg thrown her way.

I have to say, I never thought I would see Jacqui and Ash doing something like this, or see Eva break up a food fight. 

"Alright! I don't even know what breakfast was going to be! But I'm pretty sure you don't need all this to make it!" Eva yelled as every stopped and looked down in shame. 

"Okay! Everyone clean this mess up! We need to have breakfast in THE MORNING! And don't forget we are going out today!" Eva said turning and exiting the room. 

I quickly followed behind. I don't want to get caught in clean up duty.

"Well that was amusing." I told Eva laughing.

"Yeah!" She said laughing along with me. 

"I guess food is coming late then?" Ryder said when we entered the room with the massive table.

"Yeah, they got into a food fight." Eva said smiling.

"Ha ha well at least I don't have to clean it up this time!" Ryder replied laughing. 

30 minutes later we were in the driveway waiting for Ash and Ryder to bring the cars out. Since Ryder was too young to drive without 'parental supervision' Dagger was going to drive for him. Ash was going to take the girls and I in a seven seater. Dagger was going to take the boys. When the cars came out we jumped into them. 

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