Chapter 28:

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I sat at the back of my English classroom waiting for Chris, Richard and Jason to arrive. I was the only one in the classroom I started to hum 'Low' by Sleeping with Sirens.

"You make me feel low! Don't make me feel low! 'Cause I try so hard to convince myself it's okay that I feel this way!" I heard a girl with long black curly hair sing.

"Don't make me, feel low!" I sung with her.

The girl was probably a bit taller than me. She wore the same school uniform but with black high-top converses. She was pale, very skinny and had bright yellow eyes. She smiled at me.

"I'm Alex!" I said waving.

"Hayden." she said waving back.

"Sit here." I said patting the seat next to me.

Hayden seemed hesitant but sat next to me as people filed in the classroom. I saw Jason and the twins walk into the room. the twins were pushing each other arguing about something.

"Hey Alex, where were you at first break?" Jason asked me sitting on the other side of me.

"Detention." I said laughing.

"What's the freak with yellow eyes doing here?" the twins said at the same time.

"Says the clones who talk at the same time." Hayden said quick to defend herself.

"Bitch." they muttered sitting down in front of me.

"You make friends with strange people." Jason told me taking my hand in his.

I blushed at the action.

"I don't make friends with strange people. I make friends with awesome people." I said defending Hayden and the rest of my awesome friends.

"Okay Alexandria." Jason whispered as the sub walked into the room.

"Okay, English." Andy said clapping his hands together.

"He looks like he was some Goth freak in school." Jason said frowning at Andy.

"Mr Girth detention." Andy pointing at Jason.

"Why Sir?" Jason said squeezing my hand slightly.

"I heard what you said before. I doubt you want to say what you said to Miss Purdy to the whole class. " Andy said coming to stand in front of Jason.

Jason glared at Andy, "Where is our usual English teacher?"

"Not here, now shut up I have a lesson to teach." Andy said glaring straight back.

Andy walked to the front of the classroom and put on his best 'stern teacher' face.

"Today you are going to watch parts of a movie, I don't want to hear any talking or see any note passing." he said pulling the projector screen thingy down.

Hayden opened her notebook flipping past pages, some filled with colour others with grey that seemed to be drawing. On a blank page she wrote something down and pushed the book slowly onto my desk.

'Do you know who Andy Biersack is?' it said in spiky writing.

I slipped my hand out of Jason's, I didn't miss the hurt look on his face.

'Yeah, that's the vocalist from Black Veil Brides, right?' I wrote in my messy writing.

'Yeah, do you think our sub looks like him?' she wrote back.

'I think he does look like him a bit.' I responded.

'What's your favourite song by them?' she asked.

I thought for a moment knowing I hadn't actually heard many of their songs.

'I am bulletproof.' I responded remembering the first song I heard by them.

'Coffin.' she wrote.

She showed me before closing the book and watching the movie. I saw Andy sitting in the teacher's seat leaning back on his chair drawing something on a piece of paper. I placed my hand back in Jason's and I saw him smile before squeezing.

The bell rang and I groaned knowing I had HPE next. Everyone stood up ready to leave.

"Mr Girth, stay back for a moment. Bye everyone else." Andy said as Jason moaned.

Jason dragged me back into the classroom and I quickly grabbed Hayden's arm taking her with me. We walked over to the desk Andy was still sitting at, finishing his drawing.

"Miss Purdy and friend you may leave." Andy said smiling at us.

"They have their next class with me it's okay." Jason said and I held back an annoyed groan.

"Mr Girth you have a detention with me next lunch. You may go now. Miss Purdy and friend if your next teacher gets angry at you for being late tell him to talk to me and I'll sort it out." Andy said folding his drawing and stuffing it in his pocket.

"Thank you Sir." Hayden and I said at the same time.

Jason pulled me out of the classroom muttering about stupid sub teachers.

We jogged to the gym and Hayden went to her next class quickly saying bye to me.

I pulled the door open and dragged Jason behind me into the gym.

"You're both late." I heard our sub HPE teacher yell at us.

I skipped over to CC letting go of Jason's hand.

"Andy said to excuse me and Jason has a detention with him for calling him a Goth freak." I whispered to CC.

He laughed before saying, "Poor sucker, go stand with everyone else."

I stood beside Zakk and he smiled as I nudged him in the side. I saw Jason laughing with Jacob.

"Okay, my name is Mr Coma and I'm your substitute teacher for today." CC said grinning like a madman.

"Obviously." I heard Jacob mutter.

"Today we are going to box." CC said still grinning as most of the class cheered and the rest groaned.

"I'm going to be nice and let you choose your own partners, if I see you are not properly partnered I will choose your partner myself." CC said and everyone moved around getting into partners.

I saw Jacob grad Jason and they both grinned liking the idea of boxing. Zakk tapped my shoulder and I grinned, he grinned back at me knowing this will be fun.

"Maybe I should have called this wrestling because you guys have to try and take your partner down. I don't want to see any serious injuries or knockouts. Just pin your partner to the floor for more than 15 seconds." CC explained.

I had an urge to laugh since the last time I did this was life or death, kinda.

"Find a mat and set it up a few meters away from another and you can start." CC yelled and Zakk went to fetch a mat.

I sat on the floor where our mat will be. I saw Zakk run back with a big blue mat and I stood up smiling. He set the mat down and I saw CC walk over to us.

"I am going to watch your first fight." CC explained standing a meter away from the mat crossing his arms over his chest.

Zakk and I took our shoes off. We stepped onto the mat and grinned at each other waiting for CC to tell us to start.

"Go!" CC yelled.

A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't be able to update lately. How has everyone been? I'm taking any requests for what you want to happen in the story just comment or send me a message. BE AWESOME! :)

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