Notice before you read:

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My random writing here is VERY cringe first of all (but all of it is really, but this stuff is INCREDIBLY cringe), so beware. The most cringe (but probably the most enjoyable to write XD) is my beautiful Mario fan-fics, so if you end up not skipping those, do beware. 

Ok, second, some of the stuff here is dark. Like really dark. Like, lots of death, kidnapping, fighting with strangers (tOtAlLy NoT a ReFeReNcE tO a TwIsTeD tRaNsLaTiOnS sOnG), and many more triggering things. I will probably put a Trigger Warning on the top, but if I don't, proceed with caution because I may have just forgotten. *shrug*

Oh, I can't forget some credits:

Currently, just Nintendo because some characters are referenced or this book contains a Nintendo fan-fiction, maybe more than one. 

Other than that, proceed with caution, and enjoy basically the sneak peek into my chaotic, messed up, dark brain. *thumbs up*

Ellie's Book of Random Writing of Chaos! (vol. 1)Where stories live. Discover now